Cuban from the island on the attitude of some relatives towards emigrants: "Ask, ask, ask, and ask."

"The Cuban who lives in Cuba believes that in the United States you just kick and $100 come out," the viral reflection of a Cuban from the island.

The content creator Azúcar de Cuba, known as Chiruza on TikTok, reflected from the island on the economic expectations that many Cubans have towards their emigrated relatives.

Throughout the video, which has garnered thousands of likes, the TikToker expressed her opinion on how many in Cuba believe that living abroad is synonymous with wealth.

In his reflection, he questioned why many Cubans on the island persistently asked their relatives who had emigrated for money and posed a question to those who suffer such a situation: "Don't you still wonder why your relatives keep asking you for money and think that you always have it?"

The TikToker who, as she mentioned, lives in Cuba and has no family outside the country, answered her own question by exposing what she considered a wrong mentality that still persists on the island. "Cubans living in Cuba still have the mentality that everyone in the United States has money, that the United States is a wealthy country and that you just kick and $100 comes out," she stated emphatically.

In his analysis, he explained that this misconception was exacerbated because many emigrants posted photos on social media that did not reflect their true economic situation: "They take pictures with the latest car [...] full of chains, and they live in an efficiency."

In that sense, he emphasized the importance of those living abroad speaking clearly about their financial difficulties: "They have to make their family understand that they can't help, but assistance can be offered when possible," he recommended, stressing the pressure many felt from their relatives' expectations.

In her video, she also expressed solidarity with those in this situation, noting that not everyone on the island understood the difficulties of living abroad. "I know what it's like to live in the United States; I'm not a Cuban who thinks that you have a kick and $100 come out," she said, clarifying that she was aware of the reality outside the island despite not having emigrated relatives.

Moreover, he emphasized that the Cuban family culture of supporting, getting involved, and always thinking of their own was a factor that made this situation more critical, "the Cuban is the only one who thinks of family: mom, dad, uncle, cousin, great-grandchild, great-grandchild," and for this reason, he suggested that emigrants prioritize the family they had created above the expectations of other relatives. In his straightforward style, he stated: "Cubans who are here in Cuba are mistaken because they have so much crap ingrained inside them that they think there are beers growing on trees in the United States."

As could be expected, given the sensitivity of the topic, the video has generated intense debate on the platform, with hundreds of users sharing their own experiences and opinions: "Sugar, the people there don’t consider the sacrifices made here"; "And when you tell them that you can’t right now, they even get angry with you"; "Wow, first time I see a Cuban from there speaking these truths"; "I didn’t follow you, but now I do, no one has ever spoken so clearly like you"; "Here everything is paid for, even the air we breathe"; "I have been here for 30 years and I always spoke clearly, I always explained to them how life is here"; "I don’t send anyone, they live like the alligator, with their mouth open"; "My parents are the only thing I have in Cuba, they are what gives me strength to work," some expressed.

"The speculation of Cubans here makes those there think that life here is easy"; "But the blame lies with those here who deceive those in Cuba by telling them that money grows on trees here"; "The blame is on those of us here, who do not know how to educate those there, the favor is not an obligation"; "The problem with Cubans is that they go to Cuba to speculate a lot, and they talk more about what they have and I have and I am," others added.

Others, on the other hand, expressed relief for not being in the situation described: "Thank God my family doesn't ask me for anything, I give them what I can and they are super grateful"; "I learned that here one is no longer family, it's an ATM, and thank God I have no problems with my mom and my sister, who don't complain, but beyond that it's better not to talk". However, there were also testimonies from those who had to distance themselves from their family members due to the constant pressure: "I work, work, and work and I'm always like February, short on money, and I don't smoke, I don't drink, but I have debts up to my neck."

Have you faced a similar situation with your family members in Cuba? Share your experience in the comments.

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