"You also deserve for your family in Cuba to value you": Viral reflection on social media

"If you're going to come down on me, come at me," @soyriostar warned at the end of his video.

Cuban content creator Rionel Lorenzo, known on social media as @soyriostar, shared a video in which he expressed his frustration over the lack of consideration from some family members and friends in Cuba.

In his message, Rionel presented the difficult reality often faced by those who have left the island in search of a better life and are frequently treated on the island as mere providers and problem solvers rather than as family members who also deserve support and empathy.

In the video, which he shared on both Instagram and TikTok, Rionel referred to how many emigrants live under "tremendous stress" having to work long hours to meet their needs and those of their families in Cuba.

However, many times in exchanges with loved ones on the island, conversations revolve around complaints about the lack of resources, without concern for how the emigrant is doing.

"Every time I talk to that relative [...] it's the same: 'I have no power, I have no light, I'm missing this, I'm missing that.'" He added that this situation was overwhelming for him: "That just burns my brain out; I also need my relative to tell me 'Hey, how do you feel? How's it going?'"

The reactions to his video came quickly, and many of his followers showed their support through comments that reflected a similar experience: "They don’t see us as family... they see us as an ATM, the feeling is gone"; "They don’t know what it's like to pay 4 grand for a mortgage"; "They don’t even say hello, it’s complaint after complaint, and if someone complains, they say 'you’re okay'"; "Here, too, life is very stressful, but those over there don’t understand it"; "Here, a block is 7 km from there, and if you don’t work, you don’t eat."

"It's sad, but that's how things are"; "Here there is everything, but everything costs and nothing is given away"; "I feel the same way, and I work here at 3 am and I tell them, and they don't pay any attention"; "Those from Cuba think we poop money, they don't care about anything"; "The same happens to me, it's always the same when they call"; "I'm crazy for them to cut off communication"; "I watch this video and I know it's real, and my family tells me all the time that they are fine"; "Talking to Cuba has become a torture"; "Many find it hard to hear the truth, but it had to be said," others commented on the viral reflection of the popular Cuban living in Florida.

And what do you think? Do you believe that family members in Cuba should have shown more empathy towards those living abroad, or do you think this perspective only applies to a minority?

What do you think?


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