Cuban offers 30,000 pesos for information about his family cut off in Guantanamo.

Oscar Junior Guilarte Rodríguez expressed his desperation, commenting that he has been without news from his loved ones and neighbors for five days.

Puente inundado en Guantánamo © Facebook/Miguel Noticias
Flooded bridge in GuantánamoPhoto © Facebook/Miguel Noticias

Oscar Junior Guilarte Rodríguez, a Cuban resident outside of Guantánamo, offered 30,000 pesos (national currency) as a reward for anyone who provides information about his family, who is out of contact in the village of La Tinta, in the municipality of Imías, after the passage of Hurricane Oscar.

Through a Facebook post, Guilarte expressed his desperation, mentioning that he has gone five days without news of his loved ones and neighbors. "Please, if there is a way or possibility to reach La Tinta, I will pay 30,000 pesos to anyone who does me the favor of going and finding out how my family and my town are in general," he wrote.

Facebook Post/Oscar Junior Guilarte Rodríguez

Despite trusting that the family is well, the silence and lack of information have caused him great distress.

The province of Guantánamo, and in particular several areas of municipalities like Imías and San Antonio del Sur, were cut off due to the flooding caused by Oscar, which struck the region hard before being downgraded to a tropical storm.

Cuban authorities confirmed that six people lost their lives in San Antonio del Sur after the heavy rains and the damage caused by the hurricane, including three elderly individuals and a five-year-old girl.

According to the Facebook profile "Miguel Noticias," from the pro-government journalist Miguel Reyes Mendoza, the deceased are:

Francisco Colombia Matos, 92 years old.

Esmeraldo Noa Fiffe, 82 years old.

Antolino Areas Domínguez, 84 years old.

Alexander Saben Matos, 42 years old.

Irianni Labañino Domínguez, 31 years old.

Liz Anyi Elías Labañino, 5 years old.

The Cuban president, Miguel Díaz-Canel, publicly expressed his sorrow over the deaths and noted that rescue and damage assessment efforts continue in the most affected areas, many of which remain flooded.

The coincidence of Oscar's passage through the eastern region with the collapse of the National Electroenergy System meant that hundreds of thousands of Cubans did not receive accurate information about the weather event, a situation that raised alarms among civil society, which perceived the risk that this posed for the inhabitants of that region.

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