Regime holds a "revolutionary reaffirmation" event in Río Cauto following protests

The government forced children, adults, and the elderly to attend the event at 7:00 am, following protests over the arrest of a mother who had reported food shortages.

Days after the residents of Río Cauto, Granma, took to the streets demanding the release of a mother of three who was arrested after reporting food shortages, the authorities held a revolutionary reaffirmation event this Monday in an attempt to bolster their image and curb the rising public discontent.

The municipal government called on the population to gather at the Ángel Frías Cultural Square at 7:00 AM to defend "our most precious flag, the Cuban Revolution," according to a post on Facebook.

Facebook Capture / Municipal Government of Río Cauto

With slogans like "Together for the Homeland and the Revolution!" and "Homeland or Death! We Will Overcome!", the regime mobilized the people for a propaganda event, following a civic protest that highlighted the discontent of the local residents.

Last Friday, dozens of residents of Río Cauto demonstrated demanding the release of Mayelín Carrasco Álvarez, a mother of three who was arrested after denouncing the extreme shortage of food in her community. During the protest, the demonstrators chanted slogans like "Freedom for Mayelín" and beat on pots as a sign of protest against the food crisis and living conditions in the area.

In response to the popular mobilization, the local government announced the installation of a turbine to pump water to several communities affected by a break in the supply, which left more than 14,000 people without access to water. Additionally, it organized a small agricultural fair to sell products such as bananas, rice, green peas, and corn flour.

These are attempts by the regime to quell social discontent and project an image of normality. On social media, the local government posted images of empty streets in an apparent effort to minimize the scale of the protests.

The case of Mayelín Carrasco Álvarez

Mayelín Carrasco, 47, had publicly denounced the shortage of basic food items such as milk and eggs, as well as the precariousness of cooking resources. In her protest, she questioned the state of the country and expressed her disillusionment with the revolution.

After her arrest on Thursday, the local government attempted to discredit her by claiming that housing solutions had been offered to her, which she allegedly rejected.

His arrest provoked an uprising among his neighbors, who felt that his detention was unjustified and decided to take to the streets to demand his release.

The initial protest in Guamo Viejo, home to around 600 people, soon spread to Río Cauto, where dozens of citizens joined the mobilization. In response, the first secretary of the Communist Party in Granma traveled to the municipality, attempting to calm tensions by mentioning the electrification of the area as a "success" of the government.

On Saturday, March 8, after three days in custody and subjected to questioning by the political police, Carrasco was released.

Despite her release, the conditions in which Mayelín Carrasco has been left are unknown. It has not been reported whether she was imposed a fine or any other type of sanctions, nor if she could face legal proceedings in the future under the accusation of "subversion of the constitutional order."

Frequently Asked Questions about the protests in Río Cauto and the situation of Mayelín Carrasco Álvarez

Why was Mayelín Carrasco Álvarez detained in Río Cauto?

Mayelín Carrasco Álvarez was arrested after protesting against the shortage of food in her community, Guamo Viejo, in Río Cauto. Her protest included complaints about the lack of basic products such as milk and eggs, as well as the lack of resources for cooking.

What measures did the government take after the protests in Río Cauto?

In response to the protests, the local government organized an agricultural fair to sell basic products such as bananas, rice, and peas. Moreover, they announced the installation of a turbine to improve the water supply. These measures seem to be attempts to calm social discontent and project an image of normalcy.

What is the current situation of Mayelín Carrasco Álvarez after her detention?

Mayelín Carrasco was released after three days in custody, but it is still unknown whether she faces additional penalties or a potential legal process. It has not been reported whether she was fined or if she has been formally charged with any crime.

How has the community of Río Cauto reacted to the situation of Mayelín Carrasco?

The Río Cauto community reacted with massive protests in support of Mayelín Carrasco, demanding her release and denouncing government repression. The protesters chanted slogans like "Freedom for Mayelín" and confronted the repressive forces, expressing their discontent and solidarity with the detained mother.

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CiberCuba Editorial Team

A team of journalists committed to reporting on Cuban current affairs and topics of global interest. At CiberCuba, we work to deliver truthful news and critical analysis.