Osmani García asks Díaz-Canel to eliminate customs tariffs to help those affected by the tornado in Havana

"Please, it is necessary and urgent that a humanitarian channel be opened in Cuba for the thousands of victims," he said on his social networks.

Osmani García y Díaz-Canel © Instagram - Osmani García / Wikimedia Commons
Osmani García and Díaz-Canel Photo © Instagram - Wikimedia Commons

This article is from 5 years ago

Osmani Garcia has raised his voice in favor of those affected after the strong tornado that hit Havana last night, Sunday, January 27 and has sent a message through his Facebook profile to the current Cuban president Miguel Diaz-Canel.

In his publication, the Cuban urban music singer asks Diaz-Canel to "open a humanitarian channel in Cuba so that the thousands of victims" can receive help from abroad and also requests that the tariffs charged by customs on donation imports be "eliminated for at least a few days" so that the Cubans from all over the world can import basic necessities to the Island, without having to pay the government a fee for it.

Likewise, "La Voz" has called on all artists, athletes, journalists and all those who have an open channel of communication, to join this petition to collaborate together for those affected by the natural disaster:

This is a message for Mr Díaz-Canel.

(With all the respect of the universe)

I, Osmani Garcia, like other Global artists, are spokespersons and ambassadors of our people around the world. Therefore, we have the duty and responsibility to speak for those who cannot even ask for help.

I know that you are a good family man because of mutual friends.

Please, it is necessary and urgent that a humanitarian channel be opened in Cuba so that the thousands of victims of this terrible tornado can receive donations and help from the world, above all, from the immense community outside the island that has never stopped feeling Cuban.

Also, it is NECESSARY that they eliminate the tariffs that customs charges on donation imports for at least a few days, so that everyone who travels to the Island can carry in their suitcase supplies and help for those who were left without today. a roof, without a bed or without a loved one.

I assure you that in minutes, we Cubans on all sides of the world are able to collect ALL the donations that our people need, however, there are no legal means to get them to them.

Likewise, I invite all artists, athletes, journalists, influencers... to also raise their voices to ask for help for the island. Our people in Luyanó and nearby areas NEED us.

Please open a humanitarian channel!
Long live Cuba!!!

Osmani Garcia.

Post data:

I am not an example for anyone nor do I want to be one, much less make myself a hero nor a good person, I only speak from the heart and the pain for all my friends who have been so affected is so strong that knowing that my parents can scold me harshly for my respect for them. who have raised me by the authorities of the entire world, my heart would never let me sleep in peace if I did not express this with a lot of RESPECT.

The love for my land is gigantic, like in everyone who was born on the island or has visited it and knows the hearts of its people.

In addition, he has shared a live video encouraging all his followers to help the people of Cuba:

Osmani García has not been the only one who has spoken out about the tornado passing through Havana and who has used his public profiles to call for social conscience and solidarity and send a message of strength to the victims after the devastation.

Alain Rodríguez, better known as "The Cuban paparazzi", has created a hashtag under the name "open the Cuban customs" and has asked his followers for maximum dissemination to ensure that the pressure is effective.

"Share this post or create your own message with the #hashtag #abranlaaduanadecuba to help the victims of the tornado," the young man added.

Screenshot / Alain Rodríguez / Facebook

Artists like Luis Silva, Amaury Gutiérrez, Los Pichy Boys, Buena Fe or Alexander Abreu, on the other hand, have also made their publications on their social networks. In the same way, but on the international side, the singer Don Omar has also joined the support chain with words full of affection and encouragement towards the people of Cuba.

The tornado surprised the Cuban capital on Sunday afternoon, leaving behind great destruction in neighborhoods such as Santos Suárez, Luyanó, Regla, Vía Blanca and Chibás, countless material damages and until now, 4 fatalities and 195 injured.

During its passage through Cuban soil, it traveled 11.5 km for approximately 16 minutes, with a speed of 42.6 km/h.

What do you think?


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Yare Grau

Natural from Cuba, but I live in Spain. I studied Social Communication at the University of Havana and later graduated in Audiovisual Communication at the University of Valencia. I am currently part of the CiberCuba team as an editor in the Entertainment section.

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 +1 786 3965 689

Yare Grau

Natural from Cuba, but I live in Spain. I studied Social Communication at the University of Havana and later graduated in Audiovisual Communication at the University of Valencia. I am currently part of the CiberCuba team as an editor in the Entertainment section.