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More than 2,600 Cubans in Spain obtained Spanish nationality in 2018

Cuba is the seventh country on the list of citizens of other nations who accepted Spanish nationality in 2018.

Cubans, in a demonstration in Madrid. Photo © CiberCuba

This article is from 4 years ago

More than 2,600 Cubans residing in Spain obtained Spanish nationality in 2018, according to data from the National Institute of Statistics (INE) of that European country, released this Tuesday.

In total, 2,684 Cubans residing in Spain acquired dual nationality last year, more women than men: a trend that has existed in this country since 2013, as can be seen in theStatistics on Acquisitions of Spanish Nationality of Residents of the INE.

Cubans residing in Spain who have obtained Spanish nationality. Source: INE

Cuba is the seventh country on the list of citizens of other nations who accepted Spanish nationality in 2018. Morocco (15,409), Bolivia (7,279) and Ecuador (7,066) are the first three, the agency points out.WHICH.

According to INE data, the number of Cubans naturalized as Spanish has fallen compared to 2013, when there were 7,023. The lowest number was in 2017 when only 1,427 registered.

Evolution of Cubans who have obtained Spanish nationality. Source: INE

Meanwhile, Cubans who remain on the island are still waiting for the nationality process.Some 60,000 are pending due to the lack of some document, revealed in April the consul general of Spain in Havana, Carlos Pérez-Desoy.

Likewise, there are thousands of Cubans waiting for the expansion of what is known asNietos Law that was left in the air after the call of the new legislature in Spain.

Some 150,000 Cubans obtained Spanish nationality since 2007 through this means andCuba became the sixth country in the world with the highest number of Spanish citizens.

Both the state ofnationality files asof the Spanish visa can be consulted online.

During 2018, a total of 90,828 foreigners residing in Spain acquired the nationality of that country.

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