Lisandra Silva and Raúl Peralta celebrate the second month of their son Noah

The Cuban woman is more proud of her little baby every day.

Lisandra Silva, Raúl Peralta y su hjo Noah © Instagram / Lisandra Silva
Lisandra Silva, Raúl Peralta and their son Noah Photo © Instagram / Lisandra Silva

This article is from 3 years ago

Time flies! Two months have already passed since the Cuban model Lisandra Silva and her boyfriend, the Chilean dancer Raúl Peralta, became parents with the arrival into the world of their first child, Noah.

Just like It happened when the baby was first month old., the popular couple has celebrated this moment in the child's life with the greatest joy and with some beautiful family photographs that they shared on their Instagram profiles.

The beautiful reality star He published in the stories section of his account some snapshots taken during the small celebration that took place in the home he shares with Raúl in Chile and that, judging by their faces, are the true reflection of happiness.

Instagram / Lisandra Silva

To celebrate the child's first month, Lisandra and Raúl chose a personalized birthday cake with the cartoon Winnie the Pooh, and for the second they opted for one inspired by the children's character Dumbo.

Instagram / Lisandra Silva

In another image, Lisandra proudly shows the beautiful face of her little Noah, who has inherited the beauty and color of his mother's eyes.

Instagram / Lisandra Silva

Raúl, for his part, to celebrate his son's second month of life, uploaded a tender video of Noah to the wall of his Instagram profile in which you can see the baby in all his splendor.

The couple welcomed Noah on May 28, 2020, news that was made known by the dancer through a post that combined photographs of him and Lisandra as children with current ones.

Two days after giving birth, Lysandra made her first appearance on social networks and told her followers details of the birth and how they experienced the entire process from when her water broke at home until she finally had her son in her arms.

Since then, both the model and the dancer have not stopped delighting their fans with their new facet of life as parents and with images of their baby who is growing by the day.

Furthermore, every now and then Lisandra shares with her fans How she is living the experience of being a new mother, despite the restrictions to which she has had to adapt due to the difficult situation currently experienced due to the coronavirus pandemic.

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Yare Grau

Natural from Cuba, but I live in Spain. I studied Social Communication at the University of Havana and later graduated in Audiovisual Communication at the University of Valencia. I am currently part of the CiberCuba team as an editor in the Entertainment section.

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