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One of the most popular games of chance in Cuba is the Charada Cubana or la Bolita. While some people casually write down their numbers, most choose mystical or dreamlike experiences that they interpret as revelations and transform them into numerical codes.
How can they do it? They know the significance of each of the charade numbers, so if they dream of a butterfly, the 2 cannot be missing from the numerical combination.
The Bolita or Cuban Charade is a board of consecutive numbers from 1 to 100. It is said that the first 36 were taken from the Chinese charade, also known as Rifa Chiffá. The game presented itself as a more graphical variant of roulette.
The symbols of the Chiffá Raffle gathered according to mysterious affinities, which is why the meanings associated with each number were so important. It is believed that the enslaved population of African origin contributed much of their knowledge to the definitive code of the Cuban Charade.
There are lists that are more or less complete with the meanings of the numbers that allow one to perform the cabal for this lottery. One of the best documented can be found on the blog TheCubanHistory.
When did the Charada Cubana start being played?
The first establishment of this type of gambling was registered in Havana in 1873. It was located on Lealtad Street and the initial capital was 15,000 pesos.
In every government, Cubans have played Bolita. During the republican era, it was a lucrative business. Tickets were sold openly and the results were broadcasted at 2 PM on Radio Progreso.
After the Revolution, it was banned, penalized by the Penal Code with up to four years in prison, but people continued playing in secret. In the 1990s, its popularity soared again and it is still played today, even using new technologies.
The references for the Bolita are the Venezuelan lotteries broadcasted by shortwave stations, Telemundo, Radio Martí, La Poderosa, Cash3, and Play4 from the Florida lottery, among others.
Numbers of the Cuban Charade
1. The horse, sol, tintero, camello, pescado chico
2. The butterfly, hombre, cafetera, caracol
3. The sailor, luna, taza, ciempiés, muerto
4. The cat, boca, soldado, llave, vela, militar
5. The nun, mar, candado, periódico, fruta, lombriz
6. The jicotea, carta, reverbero, botella
7. The snail, sueño, mierda, medias, caballero
8. The dead one, león, calabaza, mesa
9. The elephant, entierro, lira, cubo, esqueleto, buey
10. The big fish, paseo, malla, cazuela, dinero, lancha
11. The rooster, lluvia, fósforo, taller, fábrica
12. The bad woman, viaje, toallas, cometa, perro grande
13. The peacock, niño, anafe, chulo
14. The tiger cat, matrimonio, sartén y cementerio
15. The dog, visita, cuchara
16. The bull, plancha, vestido, incendio, funerales, avispa
17. The moon, mujer buena, hule, camisón, armas, opio
18. The small fish, la iglesia, sirena, palma, gato amarillo
19. The worm, campesino, tropa, mesa grande, armadura
20. The fine cat, cañón, camiseta, tibor, libro, mujer
21. The majá, reloj de bolsillo, cotorra
22. The frog, estrella, chimenea
23. The steam, submarino, escalera, barco, águila
24. The dove, música, carpintero, cocina
25. The fine stone, casa, sol
26. The eel, calle, médico
27. The wasp, campana, cuchara grande, canario
28. The goat, bandera, político, uvas, perro chico
29. The mouse, nube, venado
30. The shrimp, arco iris, almanaque, buey, cangrejo
31. The deer, escuela, zapatos
32. The pig, enemigo, mulo, demonio
33. The tainos, baraja, santa, Jesucristo, bofetón
34. The monkey, familia, negro, capataz
35. The spider, novia, bombillos, mosquito
36. The hookah, teatro, bodega, coloso
37. The black hen, gitana, hormiga, carretera
38. The money, carro, goleta, guantes, barril
39. The rabbit, culebra, rayo, baile, tintorero
40. The priest, sangre, bombero, cantina, estatua
41. The lizard, prisión, pato chico, jubo, capuchino
42. The duck, país lejano, carnero, abismo
43. The scorpion, amigo, vaca, puerta, presidiario y jorobado
44. Year of Leather, infierno, año malo, temporal, tormenta
45. The shark, presidente, traje, tranvía, estrella
46. The bus, humo, hambre, hurón, baile, chino
47. The bird, mala noticia, mucha sangre, escolta, rosa
48. The cockroach, abanico, barbería, cubo
49. The drunkard, riqueza, figurín, percha, tesoro, fantasma
50. The police officer, alegría, florero, alcalde, pícaro, árbol
51. The soldier, sereno, anteojos, sed, oro, presillas
52. The bicycle, coche, abogado, libreta
53. The electric light, prenda, tragedia, diamante, beso, alguacil
54. Flowers, gallina blanca, sueño, timbre, cañón
55. The crab, los Isleños, caerse, sellos
56. The queen, merengue, piedra
57. The bed, ángeles, telegrama, puerta
58. An affair, retrato, cuchillo, ferretero
59. The crazy one, langosta, anillo
60. Dark Sun, payaso, cósmico
61. The cannon shot, revolver, boticario
62. Marriage, nieve, lámpara, visión, academia, carretilla
63. The killer, cuernos, espada, bandidos
64. A big dead person, tiro de rifle, maromero, relajo
65. The jail, comida, bruja, ventana, trueno
66. The divorce, los tarros, la máscara, el carnaval
67. The stab, autoridad, fonda, aborto, zapato
68. Cemetery Grande, globo, cuchillo grande, templo, bolos
69. The well, fiera, la loma, vagos, polvorín
70. The phone, coco, tiro, barril, bala
71. River, sombrero, perro mediano, pantera y fusil
72. The railroad, buey viejo, serrucho, collar, cetro, relámpago
73. A park, navaja, manzanas, maleta, ajedrez, cigarrillo
74. The kite, coronel, serpiente, cólera, tarima
75. The cinema, corbata, viento, guitarra
76. The dancer, el humo en cantidad, la caja de hierro, violín
77. Flags, guerra, colegio, billetes de banco, ánfora
78. The bishop, sarcófago, rey, apetito, lunares
79. Train car, dulces
80. The doctor, la buena noticia, la luna llena, paraguas, barba, trompo
81. The theater, ingeniero, cuerda, actriz
82. The mother, la batea, pleito, muelle
83. The tragedy, la procesión, el limosnero, el bastón, la madera
84. The blind man, sastre, bohío, banquero, cofre, la marcha atrás
85. The watch, espejo, guano
86. The convent, tijera, desnudar, manguera
87. The trunk, fuego, plátanos
88. The glasses, gusano, vaso, hojas
89. The lottery, agua, la monja vieja, melón
90. The old man, el espejo grande, el caramelo
91. The tram, pájaro negro, bolchevique
92. Very high balloon, suicidio, Cuba
93. Revolution, sortija, general, joyas, libertad
94. The machete, la mariposa grande, leontina
95. The war, alacrán
96. The challenge, periódico, pícaro, zapatos nuevos
97. The mosquito, mono grande, sinsonte, grillo grande
98. The piano, entierro grande, santo
99. The saw, carbonero, lluvia
100. The car, Dios, el inodoro
Frequently Asked Questions about the Cuban Charada or the Bolita
What is the Cuban Charada or the Bolita?
La Charada Cubana, also known as La Bolita, is a popular game of chance in Cuba that utilizes a table of consecutive numbers from 1 to 100. Players select numbers based on mystical experiences or dreams that they associate with the meanings of each number. The game has roots in the Chinese charade and has incorporated elements of African culture in its evolution.
How did the Cuban Charade originate?
The first business of this type of gambling was registered in Havana in 1873. It is believed that the first 36 numbers were taken from the Chinese charade, and the enslaved population of African origin contributed their knowledge to the final code of the Cuban Charade. This game quickly became popular and remained a tradition despite legal prohibitions.
What meanings do the numbers have in the Cuban Charade?
Each number in the Charada Cubana has a specific meaning that players use to interpret their dreams and experiences. For example, the number 2 is associated with the butterfly, and the number 8 with the deceased. These associations allow players to turn their dreams into numerical combinations for playing.
Why is the Cuban Charade still popular despite being illegal?
The Cuban Charade remains popular due to its cultural roots and the excitement it generates among its players. Despite the legal sanctions that have prohibited gambling since the Revolution, Cubans have continued to play it clandestinely. In recent decades, its popularity has increased, especially with the use of new technologies to facilitate the game.
What are the penalties for those who participate in the Charada Cubana?
Participating in gambling games such as the Charada Cubana is penalized by the Cuban Penal Code with imprisonment ranging from one to three years or fines of 300,000 quotas. If the crime involves minors or is carried out in collaboration with others, the penalty may increase from three to eight years in prison. However, these measures have not succeeded in eradicating the practice.
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