Cubans defend from the Police a young man who protested against the regime in the middle of the street

"He is exercising his right, he is not crazy," said a witness to the protest.

This article is from 3 years ago

Several Cubans came out in defense of ayoung man who was detained by the Police on San Rafael Boulevard, in downtown Havana, while holding a sign calling for freedom and an end to repression in Cuba.

"He is demanding his rights, he is not crazy," shouted a person in the crowd surrounding the boy, as police officers arrested him.

The young man walked down the boulevard holding the sign high, which also included the hashtag #FreeDenis, while numerous people could be heard saying "you're absolutely right", "how long are we going to hold out?"

"We want a truly prosperous Cuba, a free Cuba," the boy shouted, followed by applause and cheers of support from the spectators.

When the police officers arrived and took the sign away, people began to shout in disagreement.

At the time of being arrested, the protester shouted: "Freedom, down with the dictatorship", a request that received a response from many of the people who were there, who repeated: "Down!".

Shouts of "henchmen", "don't think about hitting him", "repressors" were also heard, directed at the police officers.

A group of women rushed towards the officers to prevent them from violating the young man. Despite the pushes and threats with batons, more people joined in to defend him.

While they were taking him into custody and squeezing his neck, the young man continued asking for "Freedom for Cuba" and many people walked behind the police officers, shouting at them and recording with their cell phones.

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