HUMOR: Serrano mocks the Cuban demonstration in Washington and 'Cabo Malanga'

Eliécer Ávila was upset with the video and said that the Pichy Boys are going to make people love the real Serrano.

Vladimir Escudero en su parodia de Serrano © Captura de video de YouTube de El Pichy Films
Vladimir Escudero in his parody of Serrano Photo © YouTube video capture by El Pichy Films

This article is from 3 years ago

The humorous duo Los Pichy Boys and actor Vladimir Escudero return to the fray with a parody of Rafael Serrano, in which the well-known presenter of the Cuban television Newscast makes fun of the Cuban demonstration in Washington on March 20.

In his most recent broadcast of the Combative Newscast, Escudero mocks the opponent Eliécer Ávila, whom he calls 'Corporal Malanga', as well as the presenter Carlucho, who also attended the rally with his work team, held near the White House.

“This weekend there was a march, Corporal Malanga called a march there in Washington, to protest there, to tell Biden not to remove our foot from the restrictions that Trump put on us,” said the fake Serrano.

“Biden wasn't even there. What rubbish guys you are, what a way to make rubbish. Listen to me, you guys don't get tired. They walked for a while and then they spent the weekend riding a stroller,” he added, showing a video of Eliécer Ávila enjoying himself on a street.

In the broadcast, the Pichy Boys showed an image of Carlucho speaking with his microphone in front of a group of participants in the rally.

“You took the 39 employees for the march, here we put more people in a line for chicken,” Escudero mocked.

“Carlucho, don't call any more marches, you don't have anything to do with that Carlucho. Why didn't you take Otaola to fill that for you there? "You don't have the credit to fill a march alone, you don't have a people," he stressed.

These criticisms bothered Eliécer Ávila, leader of the opposition Somos Movement +, who in a video told the comedians that in the end they were going to make people love the real Rafael Serrano.

“I am Cabo Malanga, which seems silly, but I have never been a soldier, I didn't even pass the 'green',” he said.

“To Otaola, total mockery. Carlucho, the same. That he gave me more for Carlucho than for me. Carlucho, who is a guy who has no need of any kind to take his team and go to Washington for something that is very serious for all Cubans. And if he is fat, if he can't breathe, and so on, there is nothing left," he added.

“Humor is a tremendous Vaseline, but the reality is that one ends up becoming fond of Serrano and throwing to shit and ridicule everything that has been managed to gather, unite, convene, push. And I love to laugh, but there are also things that are sacred to me,” he said.

The Pichy Boys, for their part, shared Eliécer's video on their Instagram account and announced that in the next program “Serrano” they will respond to him.

“On Tuesday at 8:00 pm live on the El Pichy Films YouTube channel. Serrano is going to answer him. We are tired of Serrano stealing our signal and attacking our friends. Eliécer, brother, The Pichy Boys are with you. "Down with Serrano!" they commented ironically.

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