He cuban government established new prices collection for the rice and the meat and milk of cattle and buffalo as part of the strategy to stimulate the production of those basic foods in the country.
According to Agreement 9059 of the Council of Ministers, published in the Official Gazette No. 31 (Extraordinary), dated April 16, 2021, the maximum prices in Cuban pesos (CUP) were set, by category, for “live cattle (cattle and buffalo) in the field, destined for the industry or authorized slaughterhouses.
The publication of the new prices occurs after government authorities approved last Tuesday the marketing of meat from small and large livestock to agricultural producers, as part of an emerging package of 63 measures to increase critical food production in the country.
Prices range from 3.45 CUP/kg for the category of “calves and heifers from 0 to 12 months” to 40.03 CUP/kg for “bovine bulls from 18 to 24 months Special Category, with more than 400”.
Likewise, the sales prices for “fresh cow and buffalo milk in the producer's field or warehouse” are modified starting this Friday: they range from 5.50 CUP/liter to 7.50 CUP/liter (cow) and 8.30 CUP/liter liter (buffalo).
He rice Wet shell, in the producer's field or warehouse, will be collected at a rate of 6,922.00 CUP/t, while that same product "without insurance of import inputs" is valued from now on at 7,414.26 CUP/t.
In the latter case, the new price will be applied, the agreement specifies, to “operations carried out from the 1st. January 2021.”
The fourth determination agreed upon this Friday is “a stimulus to milk production fresh cow, charged to the State Budget, consisting of an additional payment of one Cuban peso and fifty cents (1.50 CUP) per liter, for compliance or overcompliance with the monthly delivery plan by the producer, in accordance with what was contracted with industry and municipal commercial companies.
This stimulus also applies to milk deliveries from the beginning of this year, “after verification of compliance or over-compliance with the monthly delivery plan” and “as long as the quantities of liters of milk contracted in the initial monthly delivery plan are not reduced. ”.
The agreement signed by the Prime Minister of Cuba, Manuel Marrero Cruz, annuls the homologous document, dated November 25, 2020, which previously regulated the maximum collection prices of the aforementioned products.
In one of the “whys” raised by the Council of Ministers of Cuba, it is made explicit that “it was necessary to modify” these prices, even though a few months have elapsed since the last resolution on the matter.
Later, in the annex, it is clarified that the collection price of injured cattle will be 20% less than that approved for each category.
On the other hand, the purchase price of “cattle (cattle and buffalo), on the industry platform or authorized slaughterhouses” will add a 5% commercial margin to “cover expenses and profits” for this type of operation.
Regarding the amounts of animals destined for slaughter, “discounts for ruminal content of three percent (3%) of the gross weight will be applied to those that classify first class and five percent (5%) for the rest.”
The price list is the first step to launch the marketing of meat and milk from private farmers and farmers directly to sales centers and the general population.
The sale of beef by ranchers, prohibited for decades, may be carried out after complying with the state order and as long as it is guaranteed that there is no decrease in the livestock mass, according to the provisions of the Cuban government announced this week.
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