A Cuban resident in Villa Clara complained about the poor quality of the picadillo offered by the commerce and gastronomy units at 35 pesos per pound.
Joan Andrade shared on her Facebook wall an image of the product, sold as chorizo hash and, according to what she said, it was "full of skins and God knows what."
"People of Cuba, do not want to smell this disgusting thing," he said.
"Gentlemen, until when. Competent authorities, do something for this town, God bless us and continue to protect us. Amen," he concluded.
Other Internet users showed their indignation when they saw the photo. Some said that this product was good to give to dogs or farm animals, such as pigs.
"It is something very strong to see how they give this type of food to the population. It is like a mockery of the lack of so many basic necessities that have been denied to the diet of our people and is normal anywhere on this planet (. ..) It hurts me to see this mockery of the people. It hurts me to see so much food in those hotels and my people being humiliated by that disgusting food," questioned a resident in Varadero.
"Not even pigs will eat that disgusting stuff," stressed a Cuban from Florida.
"I don't believe that the president's dog, that rat, that puppet is fed with that shit that they give to the people. Down with the dictatorship," demanded a man from Camagüey in Spain.
A man from Holguín pointed out that if that same mince is taken to his province to sell, "there will even be deaths from buying it."
"There's nothing here," he added.
The author of the post also commented that all the leaders of the territory are aware of this situation.
"But since they eat the good and have no shortages, they don't give a damn if the people die of hunger, misery or disease," he said.
Social networks often serve as an escape route for many Cubans to report this type of mistreatment in the marketing of food, at a time when the country is experiencing a serious shortage of supplies.
At the beginning of March, a young woman from Camagüey showed theterrible condition of the minced meat that the meat company sold from the place to the population.
"Look, people of Cuba. Look, government that fights for the people and for the people: that is the minced meat that they raised the price. What is that, gentlemen. How disgusting! And so they want the people to shout 'Homeland or Death'. What must be shouted every day, and with more force, is Homeland and Life," he denounced.
Last November, residents of Santiago de Cuba complained about theminced meat that they were sold through the ration book, which had a rotten smell.
"I'm waiting to see if anyone wants it, because there is always someone more in need, because I won't eat that dog vomit even dead," said one consumer.
The picadillo was offered at a butcher shop located on Gallo Street on the corner of Trinidad, for four pesos per pound and a half.
Several users protested to the clerk, who responded that it was not his fault, and that he was trying to sell the hash as soon as possible before it spoiled further.
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