They denounce little offer in the dining room for assisted living in Santiago de Cuba: “There are days when we eat soup and sweet potato”

In the La Cuevita center, in the municipality of San Luis, those assisted also suffer from a shortage of rice and protein, and are served in containers because there are no plates, spoons or glasses.

Residents of the Santiago municipality of San Luis reported that several basic products are missing from the "La Cuevita" care center, a place where food is prepared for those assisted.

“There are days when we eat soup and sweet potato,” a man warned the local channel.Big Turquino.

“Soup without noodles, here the soup has never had noodles, from January to date, and with a little food because the administrator makes his arrangements,” explained the helper.

The man explained that he does not know the reasons for theproduct shortage “We do not meet with the administrator nor do they give us information.”

This site serves seniors, people with disabilities, and others with insufficient income., some of the groups most affected by theeconomic crisis that Cuba is experiencing, which the regime has not been able to resolve.

The report shows the absence of fundamental products in the Cuban diet, such as rice and animal protein, while showing a menu with an evident shortage of offers.

The administrator of the center assured that they have a shortage of rice, so “sometimes it is 50% and up to 30% on occasions,” which they replace with some food, in his words.

The television report also denounced the lack of supplies such as plates, glasses and cutlery, essential objects so that people who attend the place feel that they receive dignified attention.

On this topic, another pensioner denounced the absence of visits from health inspectors and social workers. “This year we have not seen them,” said one of those affected.

The unfortunate situation of this dining room is not a fortuitous event that is only part of the reality of Santiago.

In Havana, the Aliento de Vida Humanitarian Project, which delivers food to elderly people without resources, asked at the end of last year for help to maintain its dining room, in whichThey provide support to 28 elderly people who live alone and have no resources.

"We are in a country where there are more and more elderly people and every day they are more vulnerable and isolated. Today we help them, tomorrow we will be the elderly and today we have to look at ourselves in this mirror," he said.Yankiel Fernandez, coordinator of this Humanitarian Project.

The crisis in Cuba especially harms the elderly, who with their ridiculous pensions cannot cope with the high cost of living, with increasingly higher prices in a context of serious shortages of basic products.

With the monetary reorganization policy that came into force in January 2021, theCuban government set pensions between 1528 and 1733 CUP, a figure that has remained unchanged.

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