Prosecutor's Office requests 21 and a half years in prison for 3 of the 6 accused of raping a girl in Cuba

They ask the other three to be 21 years old. The difference of six months is for those who participated in the gang rape while undergoing Compulsory Military Service.

Mural de Yulier P, en la calle O'Reilly, en La Habana Vieja. © CiberCuba
Mural by Yulier P, on O'Reilly Street, in Old Havana. Photo © CiberCuba

This article is from 2 years ago

The Provincial Prosecutor's Office of Havana requests 21 and a half years in prison for three of the six accused ofthe group rape of a 13-year-old girl in the municipality of Cotorro, in Havana. For the remaining three involved, the request is 21 years old.

The sentence is six months longer in the case of the young people who allegedly participated in the rape of the girl while they were undergoing Compulsory Military Service, as explained toCyberCuba, Cleida García, mother of the minor.

This Thursday, the events that took place in September 2020 were tried in Arroyo Naranjo, when the minor was raped by five men while a sixth was dedicated to observing what was happening.

As the mother explained in an interview withCyberCuba, it all started when the girl met in a cafeteria with a boy she had met through the Cuban messaging application toDus and he convinced her to go to his house, where he had sexual relations with her.

When the minor left the room, she found five other men waiting to have sex with her and she had no choice but to accept and not scream for fear that they would hurt her even more.

Asking in the neighborhood about the girl, the grandmother arrived at the house where her granddaughter was being raped and although she asked about her, the alleged rapists told her that she was not there.

Shortly after, the girl returned home and told what had happened. Her mother immediately filed a complaint with the Police and took her daughter to Forensic Medicine. To their surprise, the rapists were released until the complaint in the independent media forced the Cuban authorities to take action on the matter and lock the rapists in preventive detention.

The case instructors justified themselves by saying that they had not taken action before because they did not have gasoline to transport the rapists.

Far from regretting what they had done, the alleged rapists began a campaign to discredit the girl in the neighborhood.

Next July 5The sentence will be issued from the trial held this Thursday in the Military Court of the Western Regional Army, in El Calvario, in Arroyo Naranjo (Havana).

The minor's mother has shared on her Facebook wall the testimony of independent journalist Jorge Enríquez Rodríguez, detained around 2:00 pm on June 17 when he was waiting for the oral hearing to conclude. They didn't release him until 24 hours later.

What do you think?


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Tania Costa

(Havana, 1973) lives in Spain. He has directed the Spanish newspaper El Faro de Melilla and FaroTV Melilla. She was head of the Murcian edition of 20 minutes and Communications advisor to the Vice Presidency of the Government of Murcia (Spain).

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