Cuban walks the streets of Havana demanding Freedom

The man walked through the streets of Old Havana shouting "may Fidel burn in hell."

Hombre exige Libertad en La Habana © Instagram Pichy Boys / Twitter
Man demands Freedom in Havana Photo © Instagram Pichy Boys / Twitter

This article is from 2 years ago

A man defied the recent wave of repression in Cuba and walked the streets of Old Havana with a sign on which the word "Freedom" was written.

The video shows the protester walking shirtless through the Belén neighborhood with the slogan "Patria y Vida" drawn on his body.

"Down with Díaz-Canel", "Down with Raúl", "may Fidel burn in hell", "Down with the Dictatorship", shouted the Cuban, according to a video posted on Twitter byAvellaneda Real.

"This man walks through Belén, Havana. Cuba with a sign asking for Freedom," the post says.

In another video published on the Instagram profile ofLos Pichy Boys Neighbors in the area can be heard exclaiming "Right now a husband here in Havana with a Freedom sign."

"People are here," they stated, in the presence of this peaceful protester who was walking in the middle of the street with the sign raised and his head held high.

Several forum members claim in the comments that the police took the man away a few minutes later.

Since last Sunday, Cubans have taken to the streets of the island to demand a change of regime. Given these facts,government authorized the repression of peaceful protests publicly.

This man's gesture is part of this repressive wave and has therefore moved several Cubans, who left comments on Instagram highlighting his courage and criticizing the passivity of the residents of Belen in the face of police abuse.

"Mega brave!!!! He alone without clothes, just him and his courage!!!", "It's a crime to leave that man alone", "Pile of pencos recording! Look how they let them take him", "Lo It makes me even sadder that he has tremendous balls, all alone with his little face up high. My brother, I wish you all the good in life and that one day I can meet you and give you a hug," some Internet users posted.

Last year another Cuban, Luis Robles,He went out with a sign to the streets of Havana to call for an end to repression on the island and was imprisoned for it. Last April, the Cuban Prosecutor's Office requested 6 years in prison for the young man.

US President Joe Biden said that no one should be imprisoned for carrying a sign, and asked the Cuban government to release them. Luis Roble remains in prison.

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