What does singao mean?
The wordsingaoIt is an expletive that is used in Cuba to characterize an evil, vile or infamous person. It comes from the intransitive verb "singar" which has two meanings in the Spanish language.
The first indicates the action of rowing with a paddle at the stern of a boat, causing a forward movement; The second and best known refers to having intercourse.
In itDictionary of Americanisms (lexical repertoire that aims to collect all the words of American Spanish) "singao" is referred to as "singado" and has two meanings, "coitus, taboo" or "person of low moral condition."
Why do they call Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel singao?
The termsingaofor some time it has been associated with a phrase addressed to the rulerMiguel Diaz-Canel and has its origin in a Cuban rap song that, according to its author,It came up at a concert in Colombia.
"When I say Díaz-Canel you say singao. Diaz-Canel! Singao! Diaz-Canel! Singao!"is the chorus ofDiazca, of the musiciansAldo the Villager andSilvito the Free.
TheCuban community popularized the musical theme and spread it throughout the world in a clear expression of rejection of the island's leader.
RAE answers questions about the phrase "Díaz-Canel singao"
Some Cubans expressed doubts on social networks about the way of writing the phrase "Díaz-Canel singao" and the correct way to write the expletive. TheRoyal Academy of the Spanish Language (RAE)answered some questions.
On Twitter the userMr. Maz He asked the RAE if "Díaz-Canel Singao is capitalized or lowercase." The answer was clear: "The indicated thing is to use capital letters only in the last name."
Another Cuban who investigated the word was the juristGiovanni Silva. His doubt was directed towards the correct way of writing. "The nickname that the people of Cuba use to refer toMiguel Diaz-Canel should it be singao or singado con d?".
As explained by the RAE, "the 'singao' form reflects the loss of the intervocalic '-d-' of 'singado', typical of the relaxed articulation of colloquial speech in some areas, such as Cuba."
He tooUrban Dictionary The American uses the allusion to Díaz-Canel in his reference to the word singao to demonstrate the correct use of the term in a sentence.
"Singao: To imply that someone is a "mother fucker, "asshole," or a "bastard. It is the noun form of the cuban verb "singar," which means to fuck. Vulgar. Ejemplo: Miguel Díaz-Canel is a tremendous Singao!"says the text.
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