Marco Rubio describes the free visa of Cubans to Nicaragua as a hostile act

“The Ortega-Murillo regime is helping the Cuban dictatorship by eliminating visa requirements to instigate mass migration to our southern border,” the Republican senator also noted.

Marco Rubio, Díaz-Canel y Daniel Ortega © Flickr / Gage Skidmore y Estudios RevoluciónMarco Rubio, Díaz-Canel y Daniel Ortega © Flickr / Gage Skidmore y Estudios Revolución
Marco Rubio, Díaz-Canel and Daniel Ortega Photo © Flickr / Gage Skidmore and Estudios Revolución

This article is from 2 years ago

He Senator Marco Rubio classified as a hostile act free visa for Cubans to Nicaragua, recently decreed by the government of Daniel Ortega.

“The Ortega-Murillo regime is aiding the Cuban dictatorship by eliminating visa requirements to instigate mass migration to our southern border. The Biden administration must respond quickly and take this for what it is: a hostile act,” said the Republican senator from Florida in a statement sent to Univision Noticias 23.

He also recalled that since this summer he had expressed that concern, in addition to warning "that the Cuban regime would use mass migration as a weapon after the historic protests of July 11."

Also the congresswoman Maria Elvira Salazar in an interview for Radio Mambí He declared that with this initiative “Daniel [Ortega], very intelligently, is saying to Cuba, 'we are going to create chaos on the border, and I am going to give you the step to do it.'”

For immigration lawyer Willy Allen from Florida, this measure is the escape valve that Cuba now needs, “because we see how the streets of Havana are and how the government is failing. “Nicaragua was selling the visas for $50 and now they are free.”

According to Allen, Cubans can access a free visa to Nicaragua from anywhere in the world. “So if there are Cubans living in Ecuador, or in Uruguay, or in any other country, if there is a Nicaraguan embassy, they can apply for their visa there,” the expert noted.

Since this Monday, Nicaragua approved the “free visa” for Cubans to that Central American country, located on the regional map just three “steps” from the southern border of the United States, quite far away, in addition, from the dangerous migratory route of the Darien Jungle, between Colombia and Panama, in which many migrants lose their lives every day, including Cubans.

The current position of the Ortega government also creates suspicions because it is far from the position it adopted between 2015 and 2016, when it closed its borders to Cubans from Costa Rica.

This act caused a serious migration crisis between both countries, which forced an agreement between several Central American nations to charter special direct flights to Mexico to remove Cubans stranded in the border area in conflict.

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