Miami among the most fun cities in the United States

The three main dimensions that are taken into account to define the most fun city are entertainment and recreation, nightlife and parties, and finally the costs of all those activities.

Playas de Miami © CiberCuba
Miami Beaches Photo © CiberCuba

This article is from 2 years ago

Thecity of Miami, Florida, is consideredone of the funniest in the United States, as part of aranking what includesmore than 180 cities in that country and measures them based on 65 parameters, such asnumber of gyms, cost of cinema and average number of bars.

WalletHub is the site that created the popular survey, which rankedLas Vegas, in the State of Nevada; Orlando, also in Florida, and Atlanta, in Georgia. The financial portal reveals its results every year,since its creation in 2013.

The three main dimensions that are taken into account to define the most fun city areentertainment and recreation, nightlife and parties, and finally, the costs of living and all those activities. In general, they analyze the number of restaurants, festivals,theme parks, cafes, sporting events and even the criticism that these places receive on the TripAdvisor portal. The score is determined by average and the final space in theranking It depends on achieving high results in as many of the categories as possible.

The data to evaluate each city is obtained from differentnational statistics and information organizations, such as the Census Bureau and the Council for Community and Economic Research. Likewise, they take into accountthe popularity of sites on web portals such as Yelp, Numbeo and Kayak, among others.

According toWalletHub, each metricwas rated on a 100-point scale, with a score of 100 representing the greatest number and variety of fun and profitable activities. For metrics marked with an asterisk (*), the square root of the population was used to calculate their size, in order to avoid overcompensation for small differences between cities.

In this 2021,MiamiIn addition to its position as a fun city,was chosen as the happiest and healthiest metropolis in the United States, in another survey that explores what well-being means and how it is perceived by American citizens.

70% of Miami residents say they feel happy most of the time, based on seven dimensions: physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, environmental, social and occupational.It is the second year in a row that the city of the sun obtains this encouraging result.

In the current year, research attempted to determinewhat well-being looks like during the pandemic, then consider thatthe sense of normality and happiness changed for most people, from infections, loss of jobs and loved ones, as well asthe long periods of mandatory quarantines.

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