Electric motorcycle drivers organize to report robberies and assaults in Cuba

"There is no doubt that no place on the street is safe for us citizens anymore," the group said in a post on its Facebook page.

Imagen de referencia / Moto robada en Santos Suárez © Flickr / Michele Mazzoli - Facebook / Luar Caballero
Reference image / Motorcycle stolen in Santos Suárez Photo © Flickr / Michele Mazzoli - Facebook / Luar Caballero

This article is from 2 years ago

The Cuban electric motorcycle club proposed to its members to organize a system for reporting robberies and assaults, given the increase in criminal acts that occurred during these days of the end of the year.

"There is no doubt that no place on the street is safe for us citizens anymore," the group said in a post on its Facebook page.

The initiative consists of starting a kind of help, so that motorists know the places where there have been robberies in recent days, "and that in some way the authorities have access to this information."

"We invite you to write to us in the comments about the places that you have known have been robbed, and the method that these thieves have used to steal motorcycles, steal cars, snatch cell phones, etc. Let's share and make them available to the authorities. through this publication the information we know. Together we can stop this wave of assaults," says the author of the post.

In recent days, several social media users have warned of violent thefts of motorcycles on the streets of Cuba, with total impunity and without the authorities doing anything effective to stop this wave of crimes.

This week thePolice captured the murderers of Armando Argelio Pérez Zaldívar, a 49-year-old motorist from Holguín who was found dead after missing several days.

The local stationRadio Angle released a note issued by the Ministry of the Interior, in which it was explained that the murderers were four citizens between 29 and 33 years of age, three of them with criminal records, who wanted to take the motorcycle to sell it and thus pay off a debt. of 50 thousand pesos.

The deceased, who was dedicated to private transportation, left his house on the morning of December 24 with a passenger, bound for the San Andrés popular council, northeast of the main municipality, and never returned. The criminals assaulted him, murdered him and buried him in a depopulated area with abundant vegetation in the aforementioned town.

The Cuban electric motorcycle club alreadywarned at the beginning of the month about this wave of "worrying" assaults that are happening in the country, especially in Havana, "both at night and during the day, both in good areas and in bad areas."

"From Moto Eléctrica Cuba we ask the government to do something about it now! (...) we do not feel safe, this wave of assaults that are being seen on social networks with armed weapons, knives, rope, machete, stones, "It's too much!" said the group.

The club warned drivers to be careful when traveling on the streets, "especially in the early hours or at night" and listed protective actions against possible attacks.

"Do not carry everything of value together, do not leave valuables visible, do not use unlocked bags, do not open your bag or take out your cell phone unnecessarily in crowded places or if you are alone in an unknown place, walk or drive on main roads. All caution is insufficient," the post detailed.

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