Cuban pastor stranded with his children in El Salvador begins the refugee process

The religious thanked the Salvadoran government for allowing him to escape repression in Cuba.

This article is from 2 years ago

HeCuban pastor Carlos Sebastián Hernández Armas began a legal process to obtain refuge in El Salvador, where he was stranded with his family since last Sunday, afterThe Nicaraguan government will deny them entry to that country.

Through a direct message on social networks, the religious thanked the Salvadoran government for allowing him to escape repression in Cuba. “The director of Immigration came from here from El Salvador, along with a young woman sent by the First Lady. He told me that it was sent byPresident Nayib Bukele. A team came with him, (...) a psychologist for the children, and well they asked me what I wanted, what I was requesting,” Hernández Armas said.

He said thatThey had accepted the request for refuge and also thanked all the people who have prayed for them during the last few days. He highlighted the importance of this first step and the exemplary behavior of his children,Carlos Elias, 17 years old, and Enoch Sebastian, out of 10, throughout the process.

“We are tired, we have showered only once since we have been here, we have eaten well (...). We have been treated very well here, but naturally there were moments of tension, when the immigration authorities told me that I had to return to Panama, but I understood perfectly that they were doing their job," the pastor explained.

He mentioned the people who helped him at the airport, including a young man named Erick who lent him his cell phone so he could contact the police.UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and request support to resolve your case. He also spoke about Daniel and Alberto, two local workers who came to provide them with support.

In a later post shared on his Facebook profile, he said thatThey were already safe on Salvadoran soil and they were in a hostel, designated by the immigration authorities to house them for the moment. "Thanks to God, to all of you and to the authorities of El Salvador," he said.

Hundreds of Internet users have reacted to both publications by Hernández Armas, who also wrote messages of solidarity for the Cuban religious man and his two children. “Welcome to El Salvador”, “Many blessings from now on”, “Success along the way”, were some of the comments he received.

Last March 1st,The pastor and his family were left in immigration limbo, since the Nicaraguan authorities prohibited him from arriving in that country, after leaving Cuba with fear of being repressed and imprisoned for opposing the regime.

He tooprofessor at the Baptist Theological Seminary of Havana He said that repression has intensified after the events of11J and assured that the Cuban authorities were pursuing him all the time, threatening people in his closest circle.

In 2020,The Castro regime prevented the Cuban religious from leaving the country, since it was regulated by its activism against the government. On that occasion, Hernández Armas planned to take a short trip to attend some conferences at a spiritual retreat at the “Resurrección” church.

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