Trump claims he leads Biden by 12 points among US voters.

"In a hypothetical 2024 election against former President Trump, Biden trails by 45% to 42%," Trump's team reported in a statement sent to this newsroom.

El expresidente Donald Trump (imagen de archivo) © Flickr / Gage Skidmore
Former President Donald Trump (file image) Foto © Flickr / Gage Skidmore

This article is from 2 years ago

An opinion poll of Americans offered results that led the former president's team Donald Trump to affirm that he has a hypothetical 12-point advantage over the president Joe Biden among the voters of the United States.

“Former President Trump has a nearly 12-point lead over Biden: 59% of voters say they are somewhat or very favorable to Trump, compared to 47% who are somewhat or very favorable to Biden. In a hypothetical 2024 election against former President Trump, Biden trails 45% to 42%,” Trump's team reported in a statement sent to CyberCuba.

The results of the survey - conducted by Emerson College - were sent this Saturday by the 'Save America' platform, urging the recipients of the statement to “tell President Trump what you think.”

Written with a certain tone of confidentiality, the email with the results of the survey invites you to comment on your impressions about the information shared, in what could constitute another way of polling American voters and agents of influence about a hypothetical application of yours to the elections. presidential elections of 2024, a possibility that has already been announced on several occasions.

"We did it twice and we will do it again. We will do it again a third time," Trump said at the end of February, during the 2022 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), held in Florida, and in which he assured that he will defeat Biden in the next presidential elections.

Alluding to his victory in 2016 and the 2020 elections, which he continues to consider a fraud, Trump assured that after Putin's invasion of Ukraine, for "the world to be at peace, a strong United States is needed" and not one "weak", like the one now.

"With Bush, Russia invaded Georgia; with Obama, Russia invaded Crimea; with Biden, Russia invaded Ukraine. I present myself as the only president of the 21st century who ensures that Russia does not invade another country," he assured the conservatives gathered in Florida.

Although it cannot be considered the official launch of a Trump presidential campaign for 2024, the Florida event served as a platform for the former president to make several promises for when he hypothetically returns to power, although he did not expressly say that he will run in the 2024 elections as Republican candidate, for which he must first contest the leadership in his party's primaries.

Accusing Biden of having caused "chaos" and a "disaster" in the country during his first year in office, Trump called it an "atrocity" and "shame" that Russia is "decimating" Ukrainians and mocked the sanctions that the United States and NATO members have imposed on the Asian country.

"Putin is saying, 'Oh, they're going to sanction me like they've sanctioned me for the last 25 years.' Does that mean I can take over an entire country and they're just going to sanction me?" he joked, saying that “Putin is beating Biden like a drum”.

An internal survey conducted among CPAC attendees showed that 59% of those attending the conservative conference He was in favor of Trump being the party's presidential candidate in the 2024 elections.

In a sign of the dominant influence that Trump enjoys among the Republican base, his closest rival, the governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, only obtained 28% of the votes at the Conference held in Orlando.

CPAC tends to attract the most conservative wing of the Republican Party, and its polls are not necessarily a reliable predictor of the eventual nominee. The senator Ted Cruz, from Texas, for example, outperformed his rivals in the 2016 poll, but Trump ended up winning the nomination.

"The next elections: I would be very lucky if that same man came against me"President Biden said Thursday at a press conference after meetings with NATO leaders, an organization whose internal cohesion was strained during Trump's term.

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