They threaten Cubans who wear clothing with the initials DPEPDPE

The initials DPEPDPE have become popular in Cuba a few hours before the May Day parade begins, where the communist regime intends to boast of its control over the country.

Cubanos con pulóver DPEPDPE. © Facebook/Jorge López
Cubans with DPEPDPE sweater. Photo © Facebook/Jorge López

This article is from 1 year ago

Supporters of the Cuban regime have threatened on social networks those who wear clothing with the initials DPEPDPE, when there are just a few hours left for the May Day parade called by the ruling party.

"I don't like to stand against the traffic. But I promise the worm I see wearing one of these sweaters will end the parade half naked. Like in Girón, if they throw themselves, they stay. See you in the Plaza," Jorge López posted , one of the spokespersons for the Cuban government who hides behind a false profile on Facebook, according to complaints from Internet users.

In the comments of this post, dozens of government supporters continue to threaten those who attend the parade with these initials with violent statements such as "No one will want to run into me", "No truce with these prostituted souls" and "we want (on May 1) It's a party, but we won't let anyone try to hold it back for us.

Such a position adds to the increase in repression against activists and opponents by the regime.

"Inciting hatred behind a false profile that does not show its face. Staining the image of the tocororo, a bird that cannot be prey, to force others not to think differently through threats and other atrocities. But the night will not be eternal ...", a Cuban responded on Twitter to the owner of that profile.

Another spokesperson for the regime, the young journalist Pedro Jorge Velázquez, also censured Cubans who challenge the official discourse with a subliminal message composed only of initials: DPEPDPE, which meansFROM PINGA THE COUNTRY OF PINGA THIS.

"The same people who yesterday said Patria y Vida (yesterday, because it's over, like any reggaeton) and beat their chests for Cuba, are today the ones who say that "their country is a dick." Does that seem coherent to you? Well "Let's not ask for pears from the elm. But let's remember this moment where the only variant to an unstoppable march of Cubans together with their proletarian Revolution is a little guy who says damn to his country, to his land, to his homeland: nothing more anti-Martian." , stated on the social network this controversial defender of the government, who several months ago said that the revolution to gain followers needed to be "cool and sexy."

Dozens of Cubans reacted to the threats and defended the right to free expression of youth, who in the midst of growing repression on the island have been left without a mechanism to show their discontent, especially after the imprisonment of hundreds of Cubans for demonstrating on July 11, 2021.

The initials DPEPDPE have become popular on the island a few hours before the May Day parade begins, where the communist regime intends to boast of its control over the country.

It is unknown who was the first to combine the words, much less who came up with the idea of making it viral, but the truth is that behind the phrase is the Cuban picaresque and the feeling of frustration of many citizens within the island.

Activist Saily González affirms that several Cuban entrepreneurs have joined in designing a white pullover with the initials, and that they offer them at low prices to those who want to purchase them to attend the parade.

There are other variants such as DPESDPE, which would mean DE PINGA EL SINGAO DE PINGA ESTE, as the Cubans have baptized their ruler.

Since the Cuban ruler Miguel Díaz-Canel (whom his detractors call the singao) gave the order to repress anyone who disagrees with the government, his followers have believed they have the right to threaten and act with impunity against those who demonstrate. some criticism of the system.

It is not the first time that the population has been threatened for their way of dressing. Upon the call of aMarch for November 15 of last year, in which its activists asked to take to the streets dressed in white, the government itself detained those who joined that initiative.

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