Cubans dressed as bride and groom at a May Day event in Pinar del Río

The kitsch scene contrasts with the usual panorama of red sweaters and parade flags.

The May Day events that took place this Friday in the main cities of the country are already beginning to leave, as usually happens, the first images of the “initiatives” of revolutionary kitsch.

In this case, it is, where a groom and two brides (or is it a bride and a bridesmaid?), in a curious patriotic-polyamorous image, parade during the events of that western province.

Facebook / Guerrilla Newspaper

A white tuxedo with a red bow tie and biker glasses dresses this monstrosity of a proletarian groom in the center of the image; On both sides he is accompanied by his “two girlfriends” in white and cream gala dresses, and even one of them with a bouquet of flowers.

The scene, which is part of the “various initiatives” that “infused the parade with color and joy,” contrasts with the usual panorama of red sweaters and flags that can be seen in the background.

The image is reminiscent of the one that went viral at the end of last March, whenA Cuban went to vote in the regime's elections in Ciego de Ávila dressed as a bride, and became the target of sarcasm from Internet users.

That scene, also reported by a provincial newspaper, could not have been more anachronistic: the woman, beautifully coiffed and made up, wearing a strapless dress embroidered with floral motifs and holding a bouquet of yellow roses, posed in front of the girl who was guarding the urn and He signed his participation under the image of Raúl Castro hanging on the wall.

This Friday, images of the May Day events throughout the islandreflect a fairly low participation, although official propaganda insists on showing them as a sign of society's support for the government of Miguel Díaz-Canel.

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