Saily González demands freedom for Ktivo Dissident: "We both protest the same"

“The only thing I want to say is that, if I am at home, Kativo has to be home too. We both protest the same on public roads. We both equally demand Freedom for Political Prisoners, because 'those prisoners are also my brothers,'" the activist said on her social networks.

Detención de Saily González este martes y manifestación de Ktivo disidente a finales de abril © Facebook / Saily González - YouTube / Camila Carballo
Arrest of Saily González this Tuesday and demonstration of dissident Ktivo at the end of April Photo © Facebook / Saily González - YouTube / Camila Carballo

This article is from 1 year ago

The Cuban activistSaily González Velázquez, arrested for demonstrating on public roads in Santa Clara, and released hours later, demanded this Wednesday that the Cuban rapper also be releasedKtivo Dissident, in prison since his demonstration at the end of April on a central Havana street.

“The only thing I want to say is that, if I am at home, Kativo has to be home too. We both protest the same on public roads. We both equally demand #FreedomForPoliticalPrisoners, because 'those prisoners are also my brothers'. #FreeKtivo #FreeMaykelOsorbo #FreeLuisma #FreeAndy,” said the activist on her social networks.

Facebook screenshot / Saily González

González Velázquez was arrested on Tuesday while marching through the streets of Santa Clarademanding the release of artists Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara and Maykel Osorbo. With their names on a white sweater, which asked for freedom for the leaders of theSan Isidro Movement (MSI), the young activist walked the streets of Santa Clara until her violent arrest.

The events were recorded in a live broadcast made by the activist. After leaving a flower on the bust of Antonio Maceo in her city, with which she wanted to honor the “spirit of rebellion” of the imprisoned artists, González Velázquez began her return home, when she was intercepted and violently detained by a police officer. State Security.

"Maykel and Luis Manuel are Maceo too. They are the brave ones who brought the spirit of rebellion back to this town, and that is why they are being judged today; you want to silence them," said the activist before being arrested. "Every day that a political prisoner spends in a prison is our fault, it is our responsibility," he said, reaffirming his commitment to the fight for the freedom of political prisoners.

A few hours after her arrest, the activist was released, a situation that she took advantage of to denounce the injustice committed by the Cuban regime against the activist and rapper Carlos Ernesto Díaz González, known as Ktivo Dissident, who has been imprisoned since last 28 April will demonstrate on the central Sant Rafael Boulevard demanding democracy in Cuba and the release of all political prisoners of the totalitarian regime.

"Freedom for the Cuban people... Release of all political prisoners... [There are] 1,124 political prisoners... I am going to be the 1,125," said Ktivo Dissident then while he was heard and filmed by a group of people. Minutes later, the curious were dispersed by the police, who arrived at the central corner and prevented the recording of the moment of arrest.

"This is going to continue to be like this until we put ourselves as we have to and demand what we have to demand, because it's up to us, because we have the right to have rights," said the rapper at another point in his solitary demonstration.

After his arrest, activists on social networks demanded to know where the protester was being held., who was reported to be “unknown whereabouts.”

"Where is Ktivo Dissident? We all saw him demonstrate only asking for #FreedomForPoliticalPrisoners and for non-communists to participate in the political life of the country. That is not a crime," González Velázquez wrote online on the same day of his arrest.

"At this time nothing is known about him. In the video it was seen how a State Security agent dressed in civilian clothes orders those who were recording to turn off their cell phones and to 'get on the patrol' to anyone who 'becomes heavy,'" the young woman explained.

Days later the news broke thatKtivo Dissident was in a prison in Cienfuegos, accused of disobedience and contempt. People close to the rapper revealed that the activist was being held in the prison known as the Técnico de Unpico, located in the Pueblo Griffo neighborhood of the main municipality.

Ktivo Dissident's protest was similar to the one he did in December 2020Luis Robles Elizástigui, who was sentenced to five years in prison for the crimes of enemy propaganda and disobedience, after more than a year imprisoned awaiting trial and being a victim of humiliating treatment by his jailers; a situation denounced as a violation of his rights as a political prisoner.

Also demonstrating on San Rafael Boulevard, Luis Robles demanded the release of the rapper and member of the MSI, Denis Solís, and the end of police repression against the activists of this movement.

Ktivo Dissident chose the same scenario to harangue passers-by and raise awareness of the need to peacefully protest to oppose repression and demand the release of all political prisoners.

González Velázquez was arrested this Tuesday for demonstrating in the streets of Santa Clara demanding freedom for Otero Alcántara and Maykel Osorbo. His release hours later demonstrates the arbitrariness that prevails in the judicial system of the totalitarian regime, which imprisons some for the same act that leaves others free.

In a different setting and in different forms, the demonstration by the young activist from Santa Clara constituted the same exercise of freedom of expression by Robles and Ktivo Disidente. Aware of this and with great courage, González Velázquez demanded coherence and an end to the arbitrariness that keeps those who dare to challenge the dictatorship behind bars by demanding their rights and freedoms.

What do you think?


Filed in:

Ivan Leon

Graduate in journalism. Master in Diplomacy and RR.II. by the Diplomatic School of Madrid. Master in RR.II. and European Integration by the UAB.

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