Supporters of the Cuban regime claim to see the silhouette of Fidel Castro in the sky

“I believe that nature has a transcendent power to send us messages…” wrote Castro spokesperson Laura Tunera Bricchi on her Facebook account, where the photo with the face of the deceased Cuban ruler was first shared.

Formación nubosa que, según simpatizantes del régimen, se asemeja a Fidel Castro © Facebook/ Laura Tunera Bricchi
Cloud formation that, according to regime sympathizers, resembles Fidel Castro Photo © Facebook/ Laura Tunera Bricchi

This article is from 1 year ago

Supporters of the Cuban regime said they saw this Sundaythe silhouette of the dictator Fidel Castro Ruz in a cloud that formed in the sky between Birán and Santiago de Cuba.

The Facebook user who identifies herself asLaura Tunera Bricchi was the first to share the image in which supposedly distinguishesCastro. “A cloud along the road between Birán and Santiago de Cuba... I believe that nature has a transcendent power to send us messages...,” he wrote in a publication that he even pinned as the most important on his profile.

Facebook/ Laura Tunera Bricchi

Only about twenty Internet users commented on the post with messages of “revolutionary reaffirmation” and tribute to the deceased leader of the regime. “Our Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz is always present, we are already on July 2 in the preparations forthe celebration of July 26 That's why he is there," said María Amparo, while Yuri Méndez Zhukov said: "I see my father Fidel Castro Ruz in that sky."

Facebook/ Laura Tunera Bricchi

The institutional page of the corporationCIMEX echoed the publications of idolatry towards the figure of the late commander. “A cloud along the road between Birán and Santiago de Cuba,” he said in a post on Facebook, which also did not achieve much impact on the virtual platform.

Facebook/ CIMEX

For his part, a regular defender of the Cuban government and its repressive policies,the official journalist Pedro Jorge Velázquez, from the pageFool, also said he was convinced that the cloud in question resembled Castro's silhouette and that it was "impressive."

Facebook/ The Necio

More sympathizers of the regime reacted to Velázquez's post, who in the comments defend the dictator's legacy. One of the first wasthe troubadour Raúl Torres, who assured: “There it is!!! As if still taking care of us, as if wanting our union, as if predicting better times for everyone, as if saying: DON'T LEAVE MY HAND.

Facebook/ The Necio

Osmani Pérez Márquez, a user linked to the National Association of Small Farmers (ANAP), said: “There is Fidel, accompanying his people from heaven,” while other forum members added: “Beautiful and impressive photo”; “Commander in Chief FIDEL CASTRO RUZ”; “Eternal presence.”

Facebook/ The Necio

A clueless Internet user who identifies herself as Ceida Vázquez Piña even said that she remembered the snapshot,because it had been taken during the days of the dictator's funeral, in November 2016.

“I am bristling, beautiful and shocking photo”; “That is our leader, that even nature puts him there so that he remains alive, congratulations to that author”; “Spirits exist, do not doubt it”; “Impressive, what a beauty. He is taking care of us”; “Fidel is unmistakably present there forever,” added other users of the social network.

Facebook/ The Necio
Facebook/ The Necio

This “vision” of the supposed silhouette of Fidel Castro in the sky arises at a crucial moment for the regime, in which its absolute power is shaking. just two days agoDivision General Luis Alberto Rodríguez López-Calleja passed away, one of the highest representatives of Castroism, who was in charge of the Business Administration Group (GAESA), a powerful military consortium in charge of controlling the country's economy and the construction of hotels in the main tourist centers of the island.

In just eight days, it will also be accomplishedthe first anniversary of the July 11 protests, a government outbreak that shook the entire country and was quelled by the regime with fierce repression and the arrest of more than 1,400 protesters.

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