They deny rights to Luis Robles in prison for reporting abuses

"The rights of political prisoners are constantly violated," denounced Luis Robles' mother.

Luis Robles y su protesta en Boulevard de San Rafael, en La Habana © Facebook Yindra Elizastigui / Captura de video CiberCuba
Luis Robles and his protest on Boulevard de San Rafael, in Havana Photo © Facebook Yindra Elizastigui / Video capture CiberCuba

This article is from 1 year ago

The CubanYindra Elizastigui, mother of political prisonerLuis Robles, denounced that his son is denied rights in prison for telling, in calls abroad, the abuses he has suffered.

"According to criminal laws, one inmate per year and three months has the right to the minimum and, as is well known, to be transferred to a camp to work and have a pass within the established time. The head of the unit where Luis is, states that my son is not going to be granted that benefit, taking into account that he has not behaved well, becausehas made some calls abroad denouncing the abuses to which he has been subjected," Yindra said on Facebook.

Facebook Yindra Elizastigui

Luis Robles, is known for his protest with a sign on San Rafael Boulevard in Havana, on December 4, 2020. After this peaceful demonstration, the young man was sentenced tofive years in prison in Cuba, for alleged crimes of enemy propaganda, contempt and disobedience.

Yindra explained that Luis has been imprisoned17 months and 20 days. He assures that his son has been forced to report the abuses he suffers in prison through various means because complaints to Cuban authorities, to senior prison officials and to competent organizations have not worked.

"I ask if he has not been forced to do so, taking into account that these events were reported by him to his superiors and by the family to the competent organizations and they were ignored. It is proven once again thatthe rights of political prisoners are violated constantly and nothing happens," he said.

In his message he recalled that Luis RoblesHe is the father of a two-year-old boy. and that the little one needs it to grow with filial love.

"It is a right that that child has to grow up healthy and happy. Leaders love to remind political prisoners that they must fulfill their duties, but they forget that they also have rights," he said.

In May Robles denounced that the authorities of the Combinado del Este prisonthey forced him to undress and they took photos of him “from the front and back” in front of numerous people, among whom were the head of Internal Order, the head of the Unit and other officers.

A month later, Yindra Elizástigui,broke his silence and for the first time she made a complaint on social networks about the mistreatment of her son in prison.

He explained that after learning that he had been photographed naked, he reported the case to the MININT Citizenship Office in Guantánamo. The authorities alleged that it was an investigation procedure for a newspaper publication saying that Robles had been beaten. The photos were to demonstrate that there were no marks on his body from physical abuse.

"I feel outraged, with what is happening with my son. Coming to the networks is the only way for them to listen to me. My son has been incarcerated for a year and six months for carrying a sign. Five years of unjust sentence," she stressed.

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