They watch over Dr. Alexander Figueredo's grandmother in a blackout: "I have saved this one for you"

The sad image, which adds to the pain over the loss of a loved one, caused resentment in the Cuban exile, who warned the Cuban rulers, responsible for the country's widespread crisis, that he would not forget the scene.

El doctor y activista cubano Alexander Jesús Figueredo Izaguirre y su madre en la funeraria © Facebook / Alexander Jesús Figueredo Izaguirre
Cuban doctor and activist Alexander Jesús Figueredo Izaguirre and his mother at the funeral home Photo © Facebook / Alexander Jesús Figueredo Izaguirre

This article is from 1 year ago

The Cuban doctor and activistAlexander Jesus Figueredo Izaguirre He revealed his pain and discomfort at the fact that his late grandmother was being watched by his mother in the middle of a blackout.

“My mother watching my grandmother at the funeral home. I have saved this one for you. “This is how the communists come to say that Cuba is advancing and that they are continuity,” the doctor said this Wednesday on his social networks.

The publication was accompanied by a photo taken of his mother completely in the dark at his grandmother's wake. Only the light from the mobile phone screen leaves some clarity in the image, in which the silhouette of his mother is barely visible.

The sad image, which adds to the pain over the loss of a loved one, caused resentment in the Cuban doctor, who warned the Cuban rulers, responsible for the widespread crisis in the country, that he would not forget the scene.

An old woman alone in the middle of a blackout, watching over her deceased mother and with her son in exile after suffering political persecution and repression for her ideas, and for exercising her right to freedom of expression: such is the image and reality which led Figueredo Izaguirre to make clear his resentment towards the Cuban totalitarian regime.

Don't come back, even if you're sad and my hands are older"Don't come back because I'd rather see you away than humiliated..." he wrote.Ana Margarita Izaguirre to his son at the end of June when he was crossing the dangerous Darién Jungle on his migratory route, undertaken together with the doctor and activist Alexander Pupo Casas.

At the end of July, both doctors arrived in the United States after several weeks of a difficult journey through Central America and Mexico. "Family, we are already in the United States.Our journey has just ended, but the fight continues", they said upon arriving in US territory.

"And there were those who said that we were financed, that we were well paid by the CIA. Unfortunately, we had to live through the most difficult emigration, without VISAS, without diplomats supporting us, practically without money. We had to emigrate with Haitians, Bangladeshis, Africans, Venezuelans , Chinese, Russians. We had to reconquer the continent, with no other weapons than our willpower to be free," he explained then.

After a month of being in this country, the doctors showed on social networksthe material progress they have achieved and they compared it to the way they lived in Cuba despite their profession.

“41 years old, with 2 slave missions, more than 15 years as a doctor and I left my house in Cuba halfway without finishing building. Here in a month I have what I could never have in so many years,” said Figueredo.

“By working you live a dignified life as a human being. Wake up, Cuban...”, concluded the natural doctor from the province of Granma, who attached two photos in which he showed how his apartment is looking a few weeks after his arrival.

For his part, Pupo Casas announced on Facebook that in less than a month he had been able to buy a car, something that he would not have been able to achieve as a professional in Cuba in decades.

"Twenty-one days of work in a free country, as a simple worker, has given me the possibility of having what I would not have had in 30 years working as a doctor in a slave country. How sad Cuba!" wrote the doctor from Holguín in the aforementioned social network.

The situation of thefuneral services in Cuba It is going from bad to worse, even the worst moment of the coronavirus pandemic has passed. The energy crisis impacts the lighting of funeral homes, as well as the cremation of bodies. Added to this is the precariousness of resources that impacts funeral ceremonies, a necessary ritual to face the grieving process of relatives of the deceased.

When it seemed that nothing could cause surprise in Cuba anymore, a video recorded in Manzanillo, Granma, once again showed this Monday how far the level of decadence in the country has reached. Shared on social networks, the recording captures the moment whenThey transport a body inside a truck that is usually used to carry food.

In mid-April, a sad scene showed the level of decadence that has been reached in Cuba. It occurred in the province of Dr. Pupo Casas, Holguín, where there were no hearses available to transport the dead.

A short video shared via Twitter showed how a family from San Germán, the head town of the Urbano Noris municipality, had to go through the humiliation of having totransport your deceased relative to the funeral home in a van without a roof.

"In a van as if it were a load because the hearse is broken. There is no respect for our dead in Cuba!" the author of the tweet then denounced.

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