18-year-old baseball prospect leaves Cuba

Dilan Lorenzo Fernández, a native of Mayabeque, is in the Dominican Republic, where he will try to sign with a Major League organization.

Dilan Lorenzo Fernández © Francys Romero / Facebook
Dilan Lorenzo Fernández Photo © Francys Romero / Facebook

This article is from 1 year ago

Talented Cuban baseball prospect Dilan Lorenzo Fernández left the country in recent days, in pursuit of the dream of signing with a Major League organization.

Dilan, 18, is in the Dominican Republic, according to sources close to specialized journalist Francys Romero.

Facebook screenshot / Francys Romero

Romero recalled that the young shortstop, a native of Mayabeque, was one of the most outstanding on offense and defense in the U-18 category this year, when he was the second shortstop with the most hits in the entire National.

"He comes from batting .370, 4th among all players in the last U-18 National Championship. There he had 27 hits in 73 at-bats, 4 doubles, 4 triples and a home run. His overall offensive line was .370/.575 /.515", the reporter detailed in his website.

"He was among the few hitters with a .1000 OPS or better. Lorenzo also showed discipline at the plate and on base with 21 walks and 14 strikeouts in 25 games," he added.

The journalist considers that Dilan is an excellent runner on the bases and that he can also play defense at shortstop, third base and second base, which makes him a potential utility player.

However, he noted that now he will have to work hard on his body to gain more muscle mass, which should take time.

"Adjusting to the physical parameters required by MLB teams can take weeks and months," he said.

In 2020, when Dilan was still playing in the 15-16 category, he hit .355, 6 doubles, 2 triples, 2 home runs and 20 RBIs.

The exodus of Cuban baseball players continues.

Last week Yoandy Baguet, veteran player on the central zone teams of the country, specifically in Sancti Spíritus, he signed up for a trip to Nicaragua.

Baguet is in the last stage of his career as an athlete, but he could continue in the world of baseball as a coach or in other capacities.

In mid-September, the left-handed pitcher Francis Texido, just 17 years old, arrived in the Dominican Republic with the intention of signing with a Major League organization.

The young man from Holguin, described by journalist Francys Romero as one of the best Cuban pitching prospects, was one of the most talented pitchers in the last U-18 Youth Championship.

Days before it was reported arrival to the United States of Matanzas pitcher Alain López Espinosa, who left Cuba after beginning a family reunification process.

Alain, who will reside in Florida, is also another valuable prospect, one of the first 25 U-18s in 2020, for being a fast player, with a 90 mile per hour fastball.

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