They inspect 6 bakeries in Havana and detect dozens of irregularities

The government of Havana said this week that they will increase inspections of food production centers such as bakeries because they have indications that there are thefts from the State.

Pesando el pan © Tribuna de La Habana
Weighing the bread Photo © Tribuna de La Habana

This article is from 1 year ago

The Provincial Government of People's Power of Havana inspectedsix bakeries in the La Lisa municipality and they detected dozens of irregularities.

Havana Tribune He indicated that the operation was carried out by the Provincial Inspection Directorate on October 23. They verified that the breads sold to the population weigh much less than the 80 grams regulated in all the inspected bakeries. They range between 40 and 48 g per unit.

According to the inspectors, production plans are violated "without justification because they have the raw materials"; there was a violation of accounting procedures; merchandise retained not displayed in sales areas; and lack of components in production because the ingredients are "hoarded by bakers."

TheLa Milanesa bakery, located on 240th street corner. 29 in La Lisa, had no production plan established for October. They had retained 196 kg of spicy sauce in the warehouse. The day before the inspection they stopped producing 3,272 units of 80 gram bread, which is equivalent to 193.83 kg of wheat flour.

The inspectors could not find either the flour or the bread, although they detected that there was unauthorized production of2 varieties of pan and problems with declared cash to deposit. For counter and bread sales they should have had an amount of 16,993 pesos, but physically they only had 12,810 CUP. The difference exceeded 4,100 pesos.

There were violations in accounting procedures. They had the entry of 6,020 packages of cookies from the central warehouse. However, the product is not delivered to bakeries and there is no evidence of its sale to the population.

In theLa Pionera bakery, which is on 240th and 37th Street, the previous day they stopped making 2,606 units of 80g bread, equivalent to 154.37kg of wheat flour. They also did not find the bread or flour, but they found 3,395 pesos in the safe in the administrator's office without documentary support for the sale.

In the units known asNew Jewel (51st Street and 212 and 214) andNew Lisa (51st Street between 154 and 156) the bread also weighed approximately half of what was established and shortages of products were detected. In the second of these bakeries, the inspectors found in a locker, 3.6 kg oil, 5.3 kg sugar, 1.9 kg wheat flour, 3.7 kg salt.

The other two bakeries inspected wereElena (street 81 e/ 160 and 162) where they detected shortages and surpluses in the warehouse such as wheat flour (-44.8 kg), yeast (-2 kg), oil (+ 11.6 kg) and salt (+12.3 kg); and theMay Plaza (51st Street between 274 and 276, Arroyo Arenas).

Havana government inspectors requested administrative measures and changes of administrators at the La Elena, Nueva Lisa and Milanesa bakeries. The fines for those involved in these crimes were 2,000, 5,000 and 8,000 Cuban pesos, depending on the degree of responsibility.

This week the government of Havana announced in the session of the Temporary Working Group thatwill intensify inspections to confront illegalities in the sale of food products, theft of merchandise in state entities and abusive prices.

One of the vulnerable points are the liquefied gas sales outlets. The Havana government said that there have been reportsrobberies that exceed a thousand cylinders much-needed fuel for cooking in times when blackouts are frequent in Cuba.

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