Humberto López and a Cuban lawyer are surprised in a London restaurant

A Cuban posted at the entrance of the restaurant criticized Lourdes Dávalos for preaching revolution while living the high life

This article is from 1 year ago

Humberto Lopez and the lawyer Lourdes Dávalos, both participants in the trial in London against the Cuban government for a 72 million euro lawsuit filed by a British company, had dinner on Tuesday night at the luxurious Italian restaurantLuciano by Gino D'Acampo, located very close to the River Thames.

At a time when he went out to smoke,Lourdes Davalos He asked a couple of Cubans at the entrance in English if they were okay and if they were looking for someone. In response, one of those questioned did not hesitate to attack her and Humberto López, whom he described as people of “the worst kind”, while he blamed the lawyer for preaching "revolution" while living the high life.

“You talk about revolution and I don't know what else and look at you in a very expensive restaurant here in London, acting wild, very fine, with your Gucci image and the revolution and the Cubans dying of hunger”, the Cuban snapped.

"You are a snitch just like him", he added in reference to Humberto López, from whom Dávalos tried to disassociate himself in part by ensuring that he was sitting “at a table next to” his.

Without losing her composure, Lourdes Dávalos chose to deny everything and smile with a glass of wine in her hand and her cigarette.

“This is prohibited here, this is a private restaurant, you have to be careful”However, the lawyer warned the indignant man, who did not hesitate to refer to her as “big mafia”.

The Cuban - whose identity has not been revealed - said that he is very clear about what he was talking about:"I was president of the CDR, I was from the Youth, I was from all that and you are all a deception."

Meanwhile, seeing what was happening outside, Humberto López escaped through a back door of therestaurant of the Italian chef Gino D' Acampo, in which - as revealed by thepaper- prices for main courses range from £26 to £75.

The Castro representatives in London are experiencing hours of immense pressure from the Cuban community living in the British capital as well as from activists displaced to that city. This is evidenced by another uncomfortable moment that Lourdes Dávalos experienced with her father in a cafeteria, where she was also approached.

Third day of the trial

This Wednesday the third day of the trial against the National Bank of Cuba (BNC) and the Cuban government for the millionaire demand filed by the British company CRF I Limited.

On Tuesday, representatives of the regime wererebuked at the entrance of the building where the judicial process is being held.

"Son of a b...! Killer! You're going to pay!", "Down with the Cuban dictatorship!" "Long live Cuba! Homeland and Life!" shouted Cubans gathered at the entrance to the court.

Especially tense was the arrival of lawyer Lourdes Dávalos, daughter of Rodolfo Dávalos Fernández, who got out of a car smiling and carrying a branded bag personalized with her initials in her arm, something that was noticed by the protesters.

At the start of the trial on Monday, the Cuban side said it rejects the British venture capital fund CRF as the legitimate holder of its debt for being a "vulture fund" and not a "responsible creditor."

The plaintiffs' lawyer highlighted the attempts of his clients to reach agreements with the Cuban government to resolve the debt and indicated that - in the absence of agreements - the final option was to resort to justice.

The trial could lead to sanctions for the regime, althoughLast week the Cuban government anticipated that the lawsuit filed by CRF will not affect the national economy.

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