Annoyance in Mexico due to the delivery of an important decoration to Díaz-Canel

Opposition deputies described as "deplorable and degrading" the granting of Díaz-Canel the highest distinction that Mexico gives to foreigners.

López Obrador condecora a Díaz-Canel © Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez / Twitter
López Obrador honors Díaz-Canel Photo © Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez / Twitter

This article is from 1 year ago

Members of the National Action Party (PAN) of Mexico condemned the surrender to the Cuban ruler Miguel Diaz-Canel of the Mexican Order of the Aztec Eagle by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

Deputies of the opposition body described as "deplorable and degrading" the granting to the Cuban president of the highest distinction that the Mexican nation grants to foreigners.

"The act is deplorable and denigrating for Mexicans and Cuban citizens who live under a regime that keeps them oppressed," said Mariana Gómez del Campo, secretary of international affairs of the PAN.

The federal representative recalled that the strengthening of relations between Cuba and Mexico through medical missions occurs in a context of modern slavery and violations of human rights, since doctors receive only between 9% and 25% of the payment. total, which goes directly to the Cuban government.

"Let us remember that the Cuban regime has around a thousand political prisoners, many of them for having asserted their right to free demonstration in the protests of July 11, 2021, in which they demanded a change of life, since approximately 50 % of the population lives in misery, a situation that has plunged them into a serious humanitarian crisis," he explained.

PAN senator Lilly Téllez also stressed that more and more Cubans are fleeing their homeland because the government starves them and imprisons them.

"AMLO insults Cubans and Mexicans by giving the Aztec Eagle to Díaz-Canel, a human rights violator. In my government, the Cubans will be supported, not their jailer," he stated on his Twitter account.

Andrew Manuel On Friday, López Obrador honored the Cuban leader with the Order of the Aztec Eagle, in a ceremony held at the Mayan archaeological site of Edzná, located in the state of Campeche.

"The Decoration of the Mexican Order of the Aztec Eagle, in the degree of Collar, was received today by the president of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, from the hands of his counterpart Andrés Manuel López Obrador in a gesture of brotherhood between both leaders and nations Latin American", indicated the Cuban Foreign Ministry in a tweet.

According to the Mexican government, the intention was recognize your work to strengthen friendship relationships and cooperation between both countries, and promote cooperation on health issues with the sending of doctors and nurses during the pandemic.

In addition, AMLO justified the award for contributions such as "the reception in Cuba of hundreds of medical students to study different specialties, the sale of vaccines and medicines to our country and the signing of a bilateral cooperation agreement in health matters."

"It is a very high honor to receive the Mexican Order of the Aztec Eagle, a decoration that symbolizes the origin, identity and strength of this endearing nation. I receive it with humility and infinite gratitude, aware that the true recipient is the heroic Cuban people," he expressed. Díaz-Canel in his networks.

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