Dozens of businesses were incinerated after the fire that occurred Monday afternoon in the market known as thethumb Tropicana of Miami.
Telemundo51 He noted that several Miami-Dade County fire units responded to the call for help on March 13 to put out the fire at the Tropicana flea market. Police closed 35th and 36th streets, as well as 26th to 30th avenues, for a time.
The fire was brief but intense. It left dozens of stores completely burned, causing considerable losses to merchants. No injuries or loss of life were reported.
The merchants who were affected do not understand how this fire happened; They assure that there is no electricity or water in the premises. They do not understand what could have been the origin of this disaster.
"Now there are big losses. I lost everything I had," said merchant Rafael Pérez Martínez who saw how his three stores were burned.
"The amount of money lost is incalculable, between 30 and 40 thousand dollars (...) in an inexplicable way. I feel very dismayed. My dreams were there," said Salvador Sánchez, another of the merchants.
HeTropicana Flea Market It is located on 36th Street and 30th Avenue, in the northwest of the city. This Monday is the second fire it has suffered in less than a year; the previous one occurred in July 2022, it was alsoof great magnitude and left one person injured.
At the end of February it was reporteda ravenous fire in a building in Miami Dade. Two people were injured and the incident left considerable material damage to nearby properties.
In that case the fire started with a loud explosion. The burned property had several businesses, including a used furniture store, a restaurant and a tobacco shop.
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