They arrest the alleged rapist of a young Cuban woman from Artemisa

The bravery of the young woman in making her complaint public - despite the power of representatives of the Cuban regime who intervened in the case - and the support of civil society expressed in networks and independent press media, ended with the “brother of Colonel ” back behind bars.

Carreteras de Artemisa (imagen de referencia) ©
Artemis Highways (reference image) Photo ©

This article is from 1 year ago

The alleged rapist of a young Cuban woman from Artemisa, who denounced on social networks the passivity of justice with his case due to “influences” of leaders of the Cuban regime, was arrested this Friday, according to the complainant herself.

“We did it people, we did it, and all thanks to you, for so much support, help and affection, infinite thanks to all of you for fighting with me. "I have no words," he said.Rosyeilis de Armas Rodríguez via Twitter.

The 19-year-old girl reported on Wednesday that she had been raped in Artemisa byLuis Angel Rivera Mena last February 24. In a detailed thread on this social network, De Armas Rodríguez addressed the Cuban rulerMiguel Diaz-Canel to protest the authorities' apathy towards their case.

“I am tired of not being given answers anywhere, I have gone to the police stations, to the municipal prosecutor's office of La Lisa, to the attorney general's office, to the military prosecutor's office, I have traveled all over Havana in search of answers and they have not given me none,” the young woman publicly told the ruler.

According to the teenager's version, Rivera Mena works as a “trawler” and was driving his vehicle on the San Cristóbal highway when he committed the attack on her, “when she was still a young lady.”

“Since February 24, they did the tests on me in Forensic Medicine and I haven't even gotten answers from them, they just tell me to wait. I'm tired of waiting,I'm tired of justice not being done in this country"I'm tired of no one giving solutions to problems as serious as these and we (citizens) having to take sides," he said.

After his complaint, the police located and detained Rivera Mena, but – according to the victim – they released him “Under Measure” that same day.after the intervention of the brother of the alleged rapist, Leonardo Rivera Mena.

Former first secretary of the Communist Party (PCC) of the San Juan y Martínez municipality of Pinar del Río, and current member of the Provincial Bureau of the Party, in charge of the Agri-Food sphere in Pinar del Río,“Colonel” Rivera Mena would have used his influence to get his creepy brother out of prison.

“The man was arrested the same afternoon that they found his whereabouts, but after that his brother (who is a Colonel) arrived and they released him. The only thing they answered me was that I was Under Measure, which I don't understand,” said the young woman.

Outraged by such actions by the authorities, the young woman wondered how it was possible that the alleged rapist was on the street, while she (and perhaps other victims) did not go out "even to the corner for fear of finding him again."

“I can't sleep, I can't eat, my life changed completely, that man screwed me up. And while I am with thousands of psychological traumas and fears, he is at home calmly.”

Until this Friday, when the young woman's complaint, her courage in making it public despite the power of representatives of the Cuban regime who intervened in the case, and the support of civil society expressed in networks and independent press media, ended with the “Colonel’s brother” back behind bars.

“Yes, things are achieved when you want to and so many people support you,” concluded Rosyeilis de Armas Rodríguez when making public again the news of the arrest of Luis Ángel Rivera Mena, who will now have to demonstrate his presumption of innocence before a “revolutionary justice.” ”, whose officials have known in recent times the supervisory power of public opinion and the activism of theindependent civil society.

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