How unfortunate you are, Vicente de la O

The Cuban government entered a war economy.

Ministro de Energía y Minas, Vicente de la O Levy ©

This article is from 1 year ago

The minister of blackouts and lines for gas, Vicente de la O Levy, is as unfortunate as his namesake María from the famous Spanish song; and has just announced that Cuba is entering - for the umpteenth time - into a war economy.

As is usual with Caribbean pirates, the culprits are the United States and the fuel suppliers; That is, Havana has money, but it cannot find oil. Tremendous wooden face!

The minister said that - until now - they had given partial information in the provinces because they did not have good news about suppliers' commitments to sell them fuel, but since they now have better information, he released it: The energy shortage will not be solved in April or May.

Let's move on, minister. There are twelve days left in April, so write down your warning about this month in the inventory spell; May is approaching and all that fuel storage is to celebrate International Labor Day, with the usual and ruinous pomp; Once the parades are over and the state press displays the people's massive support for bread with na', the dark swallows will return, as they did in the face of the general elections.

The other problem that the anti-Cuban misgovernment has is that by following the dismantled thermoelectric plants and reiterating Fidel Castro's mistake of betting on generating sets, the diesel is being eaten by Turkish idiots and the like.

As long as there is crony communism, there will be misery and lies in abundance; Cuba has the worst government in one of its worst stages and it will not matter if on the 19th and subsequent years, they renew part of the poppers in syrup; There is no minister who is not politically burned, along with Marrero, that jevoous and good-appetite cadre, and Díaz-Canel, who has a hell of an evil eye; Wherever it passes, it devastates.

One of the most serious problems that Cuba has is compliance with the working day and underemployment (there are up to five people to do the work of one); But if you add to that cuts in working hours, closures of industry and services, due to lack of oil, the situation becomes tighter.

A curious detail of the minister's tongue twister about deliveries in reduced capacity, meaning cutbacks in the supply of gasoline and diesel in service centers, was that he appeared before the national television cameras, with a photo of Che Guevara, in the background.

What is the Argentine's fault for the unmatched capacity of the olive-green and guayaberada caste to generate poverty and injustice? Do not continue using wet gunpowder because Che Guevara no longer says anything to the impoverished Cubans and there is no worse occurrence than a disciplined mediocre trying to legitimize himself with devalued postcards.

What do you think?


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opinion article: The statements and opinions expressed in this article are the exclusive responsibility of its author and do not necessarily represent the point of view of CiberCuba.

Carlos Cabrera Pérez

CiberCuba journalist. He has worked at Granma Internacional, Prensa Latina, IPS and EFE agencies correspondents in Havana. Director Tierras del Duero and Sierra Madrileña in Spain.

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