Yusuam Palacios meets with Minister of Energy due to blackout crisis

The deputy reviewed “approaches related to the organization, corresponding to Sagua de Tánamo,” according to an official report.

Reunión de Yusuam Palacios con el ministro De la O Levy © Facebook / Diego Antonio de la Torre Castro
Meeting of Yusuam Palacios with Minister De la O Levy Photo © Facebook / Diego Antonio de la Torre Castro

The deputy for the Holguín municipality of Sagua de Tánamo, Yusuam Palacios Ortega, met with the Minister of Energy and Mines, Vicente de la O Levy, to evaluate the ministry's plans in relation to the energy supply in that locality.

This was reflected in his social networks the official of the Fragua Martiana museum and executive secretary of the José Martí Cultural Society, Diego Antonio de la Torre Castro, who was present at Palacios Ortega's meeting with the minister.

Screenshot Facebook / Diego Antonio de la Torre Castro

“Sensitivity, commitment, zero rest, total dedication; characterize our Minister of Energy and Mines Vicente de la O Levy, an expression that is reflected in the rest of the workers in the sector,” De la Torre Castro proclaimed in a Facebook post in which he shared a photograph taken during the meeting.

According to his words, the deputy reviewed “approaches related to the organization, corresponding to Sagua de Tánamo.”

“You work hard, with innovative ideas, the effort is great. A lot of heart, convinced that together we will get ahead,” the official concluded, without providing any information about the content or results of the meeting.

The propagandists of the Cuban regime are very busy these days, trying to generate a current of opinion that neutralizes the unrest that is spreading in Cuban public opinion.

For now, indignation finds its majority channel through social networks, where Cubans go to complain about the unbearable blackouts, shortages, inflation and the generalized crisis that spreads poverty and social exclusion to increasingly broader layers of the population.

However, civil society warns that This growing discomfort can find other channels and lead to spontaneous protests, as has happened on previous occasions in critical contexts such as the current one, in which Cubans have taken to the streets to express their indignation with the blackouts and the collapse of public services.

The regime itself knows this and even considers it as a possibility., as the MININT revealed on its social networks in mid-April. According to the repressive institution par excellence of the Cuban regime, the blame for this possible scenario lies with the United States government and politicians from that country who incite public disorder.

In mid-December of last year, Palacios Ortega attacked Cuban civil society critical of the regime, describing them as "low-souled beings", considering them unethical for attacking the government.

Palacios Ortega pointed out the qualities that, in his opinion, an opponent should have: "The opposition, if it is true, points out the error, makes a proposal, but with dignity and ethics."

Recognized for being one of the most faithful defenders of the Cuban regime, and for unusual and crazy interventions that have placed him in the eye of criticism and ridicule on Cuban social networks, Palacios Ortega's statements continue to be the object of sarcasm in social networks.

Screenshot Facebook / Edmundo Dantés Junior

Resigned in January 2023 as president of the Martian Youth Movement, Palacios Ortega continues his propaganda work as a deputy of the National Assembly of People's Power (ANPP), representing the voters of Sagua de Tánamo.

Three days before outbreak of protests occurred last March 17 (17M), Cubans outraged by the constant and prolonged blackouts they broke the stained glass windows from the Pan-American Store “La Montañesa" in Sagua de Tánamo.

In September 2023, Holguín was known to be the Cuban province where more photovoltaic parks would be built from a donation from China of more than 114 million dollars. The municipalities of Banes, Sagua of Tánamo, Rafael Freyre, Urbano Noris, Gibara and the provincial capital, would be chosen to host the facilities.

However, to date, the millionaire Chinese donation has been of no use, given the evidence that indicates that in Sagua de Tánamo, as in the majority of the country's municipalities (especially those in the East of Cuba, but also in the capital ), the prolonged and daily blackouts continue.

Before the outbreak of 17M, reports on networks indicated that in other locations in the country, Cubans were also protesting against the generalized crisis and the blackouts of up to 17 hours a day.

The people protested in the streets of Holguín, and in Camagüey several Cubans broke shop windows and a polyclinic. In Cienfuegos, a young man went out into the street with a machete and destroyed a car belonging to the provincial government. Posters against the regime appeared in Havana, and in several areas of Artemisa, especially in San Antonio de los Baños and Alquízar.

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