Events for May Day in Cuba postponed

The decision is due to the meteorological instability that has caused heavy rains in almost the entire country, an official statement stressed. The events were postponed to next Friday.

Hecuban government postponed until next Friday the commemorative activities of theFirst of May in Cuba, according to official information.

The decision was attributed to themeteorological instability that has caused heavy rains in almost the entire country, according to a note from the Cuban Workers' Central (CTC) published this Sunday in theCuban Television.

In territories where weather conditions permit, cultural and recreational activities planned for International Workers' Day will be carried out this Monday.

Theuse specifies that this May 1, as established by Cuban legislation, the work break is maintained.

Likewise, he added thatFriday, May 5 will also be declared a work break so that Cubans can participate, simultaneously from 7 a.m., in the parades and rallies scheduled in the country to commemorate “the historic day of the world proletariat.”

The CTC stressed that the events called have the purpose of “ratifying that Cubans put their hands and hearts into the Homeland.”

Just five days ago, theCuban regime suspended the traditional May Day mobilization in the country, including the parade in the Plaza de la Revolución in Havana, and announced that events would be held in communities and workplaces instead.

"The complex economic situation that the country is going through and in particular the limitations with fuel security," argued the General Secretary of the Cuban Workers' Union (CTC),Ulises Guilarte of Birth, about this sudden decision.

The worsening of the energy crisis in Cuba, according to the official, "has led us to reformulate the initial conception for the celebration of International Workers' Day on May Day."

He said that under "maximum austerity" it was approved to promote "a day of celebrations", which would make it possible to replace the traditional large mobilization that the regime usually carries out for the date.

The first time this type of parade was suspended in Cuba was in 2020, in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, which locked millions of people around the world in their homes.

"We celebrate May Day but in social isolation. Taking out flags, applause at a certain time, singing. In other words, proposing a celebration so that the date is not overlooked, but we would do it with a virtual parade," he said in that moment the rulerMiguel Diaz-Canel.

The "virtual parade" was repeated in 2021, the worst pandemic year for the country, which, although it used social networks to spread official messages, served as a mockery of the regime, due to the initiatives of the unions and workers defending the communist system.

In 2022, the Plaza de la Revolución was occupied again with government sympathizers, although it is known that many workers are forced to attend, for fear of reprisals and losing their jobs.

One of the biggest criticisms leveled at the government is that public transportation services in Havana are suspended for this type of parade, because the buses are intended to move people to the municipalities.

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