Government of Cuba regulates the process of issuing passports to minors

The increase in the departure of minors from the country forces the government to modify the legal norm due to discrepancies between parents or guardians.

Pasaportes cubanos (imagen de referencia) © CiberCuba
Cuban passports (reference image) Photo © CiberCuba

The regime regulated the process ofissuance of Cuban passport for minors, a measure that responds to the current immigration crisis.

HeSupreme Court a prepared the instruction that was published inOfficial Gazette of the Republic of Cuba, No. 28 Extraordinary of April 17, 2023.

The Cuban people are in the middle of aunprecedented migration crisis and the departure of minors is one of the biggest conflicts, because many parents or guardians have divergent criteria about what should happen with their children.

The debate is complex, has numerous aspects and thelegal instruction tries to reflect them in its six sections. Hefirst It refers to "claims related to the non-joint exercise of parental responsibility" and includes cases of "discrepancies for that reason."

It points out that "whenever authorization is requested to obtain a passport for minors and/or their departure from the national territory, the court adopts the necessary measures to provide special protection to the girls, boys and adolescents involved."

Hesecond point of the instruction refers to the court's obligation to listen to the holders of parental responsibility. The body must assess thereasons for opposition alleged by parents or guardians regarding the minors' departure from the country.

Hethird aspect is focused on facts about which a situation of neglect or abandonment towards daughters and sons arises. In itroomElements to take into account in the passport authorization processes are detailed. This includes, among other aspects, the following:

  • The address of the home where the minor and the responsible adult will remain.
  • Demonstrate that the minor will have a legal status that guarantees the full enjoyment of his or her rights in another State.
  • Destination of the minor's trip and the period in which he or she must return if it is a temporary departure.

InfifthFirst, the instruction indicates that the court orders the authorization of the exclusive exercise by one of the parents to obtain a passport in favor of the minor and his departure from Cuba.

In case of being atemporary exit, the period of permanence of the minor in the foreign territory is recorded. In such cases, if the obligation to return is not met within the established period, the effects provided for cases of illicit transfer or retention of girls, boys or adolescents may operate.

The topic related to thecommunication of the minor with the non-custodial mother or father, as well as grandmothers, grandfathers and other relatives.

Hesixthsection indicates that thejudicial resolution The result is sent to the corresponding office of the Directorate of Identification, Immigration and Immigration of the Ministry of the Interior and to the Directorate of Care for Minors, to proceed with the creation of the passport.

In March the Ministry of the Interior indicated thatCuban passport applications have tripled in the province of Sancti Spíritus. There is greater demand for immigration procedures, passport and identity card applications.

At the moment, as indicated by the Directorate of Identification, Immigration and Immigration in December 2022, theCuban passport price will not increase. It costs 2,500 CUP, regardless of whether it is for minors or adults.

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