This is how they call for May Day in Santiago de Cuba

"The little fuel in Santiago de Cuba is spent on this."

authorities ofSantiago de Cuba have resorted to a car equipped with a loudspeaker, adorned with two flags and topped with a woman dictating slogans through the streets of the city toencourage the people of Santiago to participate in the May Day march.

"This is where the little fuel is spent in Santiago de Cuba", journalist Yosmany Mayeta complained on social networks when sharing a video recorded by a witness who can be heard describing the scene as "crazy."

The images in question show the moment when a woman from the vehicle - preceded by several motorcycles apparently from Security - shouted slogans such as "Hasta la victoria siempre", "Long live May Day"; "Long live the Revolution" and "Long live the Communist Party of Cuba."

The aforementioned source specified thatThe video was recorded in the Plaza de Dolores, on Calle Aguilera between Calvario and Reloj.

"Meanwhile, people have to spend several hours at the stops because no buses come or take the option of walking. Others once again begin to suffer from blackouts, for the pretext of lack of fuel, but the cars that belong the only party and its organizations that do not represent Cubans, have an open bar at the country's gas stations," the journalist added.

In the comments section, dozens of Internet users agreed in calling the images ridiculous, while others were outraged because sometimes there is not even fuel to transport a sick person in Cuba.

"May Day will only see thousands of deaths due to hunger"; "The one who is speaking does not even have a voice to speak with the hunger that she has"; "Then there is no fuel to deliver the errands, of course the blockade is to blame"; "They are so morally discredited that they have to resort to these antics to pretend that they still have a revolution," were some comments.

Unlike Havana, where for the second year there will be no parade in the Plaza de la Revolución but rather an event in the Anti-Imperialist Tribune., the people of Santiago have been called to march in the Antonio Maceo Revolution Square of the main municipality.

The confirmation that there will be a parade was made public this Monday at the Heredia theater, in the presence of union and administrative leaders of the 15 unions, the Association of Innovators and Rationalizers, the Central Workers of Cuba (CTC), and the highest authorities of the Party and Government in the province, Beatriz Jhonson Urrutia and Manuel Falcón, respectively, as revealed by the newspaper Trabajadores.

Orlando Beltrán Minier, general secretary of the CTC in that province, explained the "motivations" of the more than 600,000 Santiago residents summoned to parade before the equestrian statue of Antonio Maceo Grajales in the square that bears his name.

Regarding the order of the parade, it was learned that it will be the Health workers who will lead the parade. They will be followed by workers from Industries, Transport and ports, Commerce, Hotels and tourism, Agriculture, Civil defense, Energy and mines, Culture, Construction, Sugar mills, Food and fishing, Communications and Public Administration. The closing of the march will be carried out by the Education, Science and Sports union.

The massive march that they have called in Santiago de Cuba takes place just over a month after the Santiago population expressed their discontent against the government in the streets in the face of a scenario of sustained economic crisis that led them to demand the basics: electricity and food.

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