Hassan Pérez reappears with a speech in English

Hassan's terrible English caused ridicule on the networks and comparisons with the poor aptitude for languages that the ruler Díaz-Canel has also shown.

Hassan Pérez Casabona, a former student leader who became famous for his euphoric speeches full of flustered phrases and praise for the regime, reappeared this week in a video speaking in English.

Hassan, who currently works as a historian at the Center for Hemispheric and United States Studies at the University of Havana, spoke this week at an eventonline of European solidarity groups with the regime.

"Let me tell you something: my English is terrible. I will only say a few words in English, I prefer to speak in Spanish," Hassan said.

The video was shared on the Internet on April 28, by Cubans in the UK, a group in Great Britain that defends the regime.

The now forgotten leader of the FEU, who introduces himself as a Doctor in Historical Sciences and professor at the University of Havana, only spoke in English at the beginning of his intervention.

The remaining 19 minutes were dedicated to commenting in Spanish on the effects of the US "blockade" on Cuban society and economy.

His terrible English has caused ridicule on the networks.

"Tough competition among the English students at Ñico López. Canelo is no tu gud. I am de bes. Signature: Hassan Pérez Casabona," mocked Cuban lawyer Eloy Viera Cañive, who shared the short and compared Hassan's English and that of the ruler Díaz-Canel.

"The inglich of Nico López is not your gud. Hassan Perez ('the threat') competes with Canelo," he mocked on his Twitter.

In March 2019, after many years out of the spotlight,Pérez Casabona reappears in Bolivia to present his book The finger on the sore: brief approach to the interference of the United States in Latin America and the Caribbean from geopolitics and national security (1945-2019).

At the presentation of the text, published by the Bolivian government, the then president Evo Morales attended and recommended it to teach "nationalist doctrine" among the security forces of his country.

Hassan was president of the University Student Federation (FEU), and achieved special notoriety in 2000, during the regime's campaign to achieve the return of the raft boy Elián González to the Island.

With his fiery verbiage in the Anti-Imperialist Tribune and his severe ideological line, he became one of the most visible faces of the so-called Battle of Ideas.

Graduated in History from the University of Havana, from the FEU he became second secretary of the Union of Young Communists (UJC), a position from which he was dismissed in 2008. He was also a deputy to the National Assembly.

A brief note published then by the newspaperRebel Youth He revealed that he had been replaced by a "logical renewal of the cadres," and that he would begin teaching at an Army university institution, a decision that seemed to many Cubans to be "a thunderbolt" from the government.

This is how Hassan Pérez lost absolute prominence in Cuban political life and began as a "researcher."

Only in 2019 it was known that the previous year he had arrived in Bolivia to serve as an advisor to the presidential guard of that country.

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