Minister of Energy of Cuba justifies himself: "In the world there are millions without electricity"

The Minister assured that Cuba is not the only country that goes out in the world, but did not offer data that would reinforce his criteria.

As they would call it in an article written from these pages, the minister of blackouts and lines for gas, Vicente de la O Levy, has come out in a podcast of the Cuban Presidency to justify the blackouts on the island with the backward mentality that “there are millions in the world without electricity.”

De la O Levy with his boss, the designated ruler Miguel Diaz-Canel and the leadership of the official journalist Arleen Rodríguez Derivet, they sat down to talk about the hardships experienced by the Cuban people, always with an eye on the outside.

In response to a supposedly “innocent” question from the driver, who declared that she had no information about whether “Is Cuba the only country they shut down?”, the minister, diligent before the designated ruler, affirmed that they do have this data.

“Cuba is not the only country, because we are in an energy situation now and a crisis,” said de la O, while referring that there are countries that “have implemented that they do not provide electricity the entire year.”

According to his statements, there are very few countries in the world that have the level of electrification that Cuba has., in a statement based on the argument that the leader provides but without data to support it.

The only conclusion in the opinion of this official is that his comparison is being made with years from the previous century or that the gaze of Cuban leaders is located on poor nations in Africa or Haiti.

And World Bank report published on June 6, 2023, stated that in 2010, 84% of the world's population had electricity, It is percentage increased to 91% in 2021 (that is, more than one billion people achieved such access).

However, they recognized that in the 2019-2021 biennium the growth rate was lower than in previous periods. Although the electrification of rural areas has been decisive, there are still major shortcomings in the cities.

Nevertheless, The most pronounced deficiencies occur in sub-Saharan Africa, which concentrates more than 80% of the world's population without electricity (in 2021, 567 million people in the region did not have electricity). Since 2010 there has been little progress in this region.

Returning to the Cuban Minister of Energy and Mines, he stated, emphasizing in his intervention, that in “many countries, but many countries in the world, there are millions of people without electricity and others who cause blackouts also because they have millions of technical, energy, fuels”, without being able to finish the sentence because he was interrupted by Díaz-Canel, who wanted to add the tagline and say that the inconveniences had already been overcome.

This Wednesday, The largest Thermoelectric Power Plant (CTE) in the country, the Antonio Guiteras, in Matanzas, reported a new breakdown, less than 24 hours after having completed in-depth maintenance and having synchronized the National Electroenergetic System (SEN) on Tuesday. At the end of the day it was reported that it had synchronized again.

Nevertheless, For this Thursday the Electrical Union (UNE) once again predicted blackouts for this day, although with a report of a decrease in the impact, which will be 570 MW during peak hours, just over half of the 940 MW forecast the previous day.

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