Forced disappearance of five Caimanera protesters reported

They would be the young Yandris Pelier Matos, the brothers Felipe Correa Martínez and Luis Miguel Alarcón Martínez, and the brothers Rody and Daniel Álvarez González.

Prostetas en Caimanera © Captura de video/Redes sociales
Protests in Caimanera Photo © Video Capture/Social Media

When 24 hours have not yet passed massive protests that shook the streets of the Guantanamo municipality of Caimanera On Saturday afternoon, independent media and community organizations Cuban civil society They denounce the forced disappearance of five of the protesters.

“Five Cubans are currently missing by the forces of the Regime. We report #ForcedDisappearance. Names: Yandris Pelier Matos, Brothers Felipe Correa Martínez and Luis Miguel Alarcón Martínez, and also the brothers Genera and Daniel Alvarez Gonzalez", warned the non-governmental organization Cubalex on its social networks.

The NGO, specialized in the denunciation and defense of human rights in Cuba, referred to information from the independent press outlet CubaNet, ensuring that these five people remained detained and had not been able to communicate with their families, a situation that he described as “forced disappearance.”

Reports from the independent journalist and resident of Caimanera, Yeris Curbelo Aguilera, cited by this Cubanet They point out that the five protesters were detained with violence. One of them, Luis Miguel Alarcón Martínez, was taken to the detention center unconscious as a result of the beating he suffered.

“The dictatorship now says that they were drunk to try to discredit them, when they were never seen with a handle or glass of drink, nor walking unsteadily or speaking with their tongues tangled. "They were very clear about what they were saying," indicated the communicator of Palenque Vision.

Furthermore, the municipality remains completely militarized. Caimanera, the so-called “first trench of the revolution” is located on the edge of the United States naval base in Guantánamo, which makes it de facto the only Cuban municipality with a land border with this country.

The protests, of a peaceful nature, were repressed with violence by Special Brigades of the Ministry of the Interior (MININT). Videos that circulated on social networks before the digital blackout implemented by the regime showed the beatings and arrests carried out by the uniformed and repressive State Security officers dressed in civilian clothes.

“There were about 10 State Security personnel in the front and about 20 Black Berets in the back. Everyone hit. Many protesters moved away so as not to be repressed, but these five boys did not run away. They had the courage to stay and that's why they were finished," Curbelo Aguilera told CubaNet.

For its part, the NGO International Amnesty He echoed the protests in Caimanera via Twitter and warned that he would be very attentive and would denounce any repressive movement of the regime.

“We are receiving reports that Internet access has been cut off at the protest site and in other parts of the country. This, alarmingly, we know is the prelude to the repressive storm exerted by Miguel Diaz-Canel and its violent forces to punish the Cuban people,” he expressed.

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