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Amnesty International
Thousands of Cubans could lose their residency due to a new measure by Trump
Amnesty International issues harsh criticism following the end of the humanitarian parole program in the U.S.
Prisoners Defenders exposes fraud in the release of political prisoners in Cuba
Amnesty International denounces that the Cuban regime used political prisoners as "bargaining chips."
More than 100 political prisoners in Cuba released following negotiations with the U.S. and the Vatican
José Daniel Ferrer has not been notified about a possible release
Social media campaign demands the release of all political prisoners in Cuba
Amnesty International demands the release of all political prisoners following the announcement of pardons in Cuba
The U.S. releases 11 detainees in Guantanamo after 20 years without charges
Yndamiro Restano, a pioneer of independent journalism in Cuba, passes away in Miami at the age of 76
Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara: Another birthday behind bars, but his spirit remains free
The Resistance of Maykel Osorbo: An Emotional Letter from a Maximum-Security Cuban Prison
Amnesty International launches campaign for human rights in Cuba
Luis Manuel opens his cell to the Havana Biennial: “So that they can see the work I have developed in prison.”
The professor Pedro Albert is released after ten days on a hunger strike in prison
Amnesty International designates four more Cubans as prisoners of conscience
Maykel Osorbo isolated in prison
Amnesty International denounces the Cuban dictatorship before the UN Human Rights Council
Luis Manuel Otero from prison in Cuba: "I will not stop believing"
Amnesty International demands the release of Yoruba leaders imprisoned in Cuba due to the July 11 protests
Amnesty International demands the release of Cuban artists Luis Manuel Otero and Maykel Osorbo
Amnesty International demands the release of political prisoners from Díaz-Canel
Amnesty International condemns the repression of peaceful protesters in Caimanera
Forced disappearance of five protesters from Caimanera reported
Amnesty International denounces the existence of political prisoners in Cuba for defending human rights
Amnesty International calls on Cristiano Ronaldo to advocate for human rights in Saudi Arabia
Amnesty describes the expulsion order from Bolivia against the Cuban activist as a "dreadful precedent."
Amnesty International predicts a "terrifying outlook" with the new Cuban Penal Code
Amnesty International launches campaign for the freedom of Luis Manuel Otero
UN renews independent mission in Venezuela with Cuba's opposing vote
Amnesty International calls on the Cuban government to respect the right to peaceful protest
Protests in Iran over the death of a young woman in police custody
Roberto Carcassés: "Cuban, stand up for your rights"
Human Rights Watch demands that the Cuban government release Maykel Castillo and Otero Alcántara
Amnesty presents evidence that Russian troops committed war crimes near Kyiv
Amnesty International reports that Luis Manuel Otero has lost vision in one eye
Amnesty International: Imprisonment of Alcántara and Osorbo demonstrates the Cuban regime's contempt for its people
Mother of Cuban musician sentenced for 11J calls for general amnesty
Amnesty International says that the Cuban regime reinforced its control machinery after July 11th
Activist Saily González urges Cubans to support the proposal for amnesty for those imprisoned from the events of July 11
Amnesty International calls for access to Cuba to monitor trials against the demonstrators from July 11
Amnesty International demands the immediate release of Luis Robles
Amnesty International urges the authorities of Mexico City to guarantee the right of Cubans to protest
Amnesty International calls for monitoring the situation in Cuba in response to the government's rejection of the march on November 15
Amnesty International criticizes Díaz-Canel for violating the right of Cubans to peaceful protest
The artist Hamlet Lavastida has been released from prison and is being forced to leave Cuba along with Katherine Bisquet
Amnesty International reports an increase in the repression policy in Cuba
Amnesty International declares six new prisoners of conscience in Cuba
Authorities reject second bail request for disabled Cuban who protested in Holguín on July 11th
Amnesty International requests to enter Cuba to verify the situation of those detained during the protests of July 11th
Amnesty International asks Díaz-Canel for information about those detained on July 11
Amnesty International launches a petition to demand an end to repression and the opening of dialogue in Cuba
Israel Rojas calls for amnesty for Cuban protesters accused of disobedience and spreading epidemics
Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch demand the release of Cuban activist Esteban Rodríguez
Amnesty International celebrates the release of Otero Alcántara and demands that other activists be released as well
Amnesty International is collecting signatures to demand that Díaz-Canel release Luis Manuel Otero
Amnesty International warns that the detention of Maykel Osorbo "could constitute enforced disappearance."
Amnesty International designates Luis Manuel Otero as a prisoner of conscience
News from Cuba: The most read news today, May 21, 2021
Amnesty International urges Cubans to write to Díaz-Canel to demand the release of Luis Manuel Otero