TheHavana Water Company will affect the service in the Marianao municipality this Monday due to alleged maintenance work on the hydraulic network.
The maintenance and repair works are in the conductor (42”) of the Cosculluela supply source. The company said they will discontinue service onMay 8 between 6:00 am and 6:00 pm.
Theaffected areas They are between streets 43 to 67 and from 100 to 114. The residents who live on streets from 100 to 76 and from 31 to 71 will also be without water.
They are left without water toofor 12 hours the Los Quemados, Pogolotti, Hornos, CUJAE, Larrazábal and Santa Felicia districts.
Waters of Havana He indicated that as the maintenance work and the planned repairs are completed, he will gradually restore the service, during normal hours.
In March the regime indicated that there is adrought in Cuba which affects more than 400 thousand people, particularly in the east of the country.
In Camagüey there are more than 60,000 affected, in Santiago de Cuba more than 50,000, in Havana more than 47,000 and in Guantánamo more than 90,000 people are without water.
In this eastern province the situation is unsustainable, since the water shortage is compounded by the lack of food and state repression. This Saturday there was amassive protest in the Caimanera municipality which ended with several people arrested and there are at least five missing so far.
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