Violent police detention sparks outrage at Guantánamo

The victim was arrested and taken away in a patrol car amid protests by neighbors. Witnesses claimed that the police beat him and injured his eye.

The detention of a citizen in Guantánamo, who according to witnesses was beaten by police officers, caused outrage among the residents of a town in that eastern province.

The man, identified as Pocho, was arrested in the Isleta neighborhood and taken in a patrol car, amid protests by neighbors.

The event occurred last Monday and was recorded by the Facebook user identified as Frank Yunior, who lives in Havana but is visiting the eastern province to spend Mother's Day.

Yunior assured that the agents hit Pocho, although he could not film that.

"In Guantánamo, the Isleta neighborhood, things got heated when the police unjustly attacked a citizen in front of several witnesses. Nobody told me about it because I was present and was also a witness. My respects to all those people who came out in support of ( Pocho) the attacked citizen", expressed in his Facebook.

In the video you can see the moment in which two police officers handcuff and put the man in the car, while little by little people approach and argue with the uniformed officers.

"But why do they do that, and that abuse?" a woman is heard questioning.

"They beat Pocho for pleasure, buddy. They beat him for pleasure," says a man.

Finally they take the detainee away, and the people are left arguing with the other police officers. "Abusers is what they are!" a man shouted at them. Several people claimed that the police broke Pocho's eye.

An Internet user, identified as Denis Padilla Tamayo, stated that two were arrested, and that they are his relatives, while he regretted that it is becoming a habit to see law enforcement forces ruthlessly attack the civilian population.

"The father is a farmer, he just asked why they were arresting his son and he received some beatings. If he were a thief, a rapist, a terrorist, believe me, before a police officer arrives I would be one of the first to go after him, but this is not the case," he commented.

"Today we are experiencing firsthand what we criticize so much about other countries and governments in the world. Will this be the way we will live from now on?" he asked.

A resident in Havana expressed that the government has to take action regarding the police abuse, because the only thing that this situation is generating is discontent in the population.

"The PNR is there to enforce the law, but without mistreating the citizen. The military has gained strength, but in mistreating, beating, and I think it is time to stop this that is only in the hands of Díaz-Canel, because since the said the revolutionaries to the street, the police force and all those in uniform since then only hit without measuring the consequences," he stressed.

Another Internet user said that the police have orders to beat people, because for whatever reason they are mistreating the people.

"They don't do anything to them, because if they sanctioned them none of this would happen, and since they don't do anything to them, they kill the people for everything. And so they say that we are free and long live the revolution," he criticized.

"I'm already tired of so much cruelty and lack of respect towards Cubans. There have always been cases of fights between the PNR and citizens, but there were instances where one could at least complain, and they were at least scolded and punished, but today It's as if they did it or were sent on purpose from above, that is, from the senior leaders. Please, police officers, you also belong to the people and are made to take care of us, not to mistreat us," claimed one man.

This event occurs less than two days after the inhabitants of Caimanera took to the streets to demand freedom and in protest of the blackouts and general shortages, a massive and peaceful demonstration that was violently repressed by members of the MININT Special Brigades.

"The attached video confirms the repression of the Caimanera protest. According to a testimony consulted, two young people were transferred to the Guantánamo Operations Center after being beaten by Black Berets," the civil society platform Justicia11J indicated on Twitter.

"This is how the military of the Castro dictatorship beat the women and men who were peacefully protesting in Caimanera, Guantánamo, while they cut off the internet. It is happening now in Cuba," the Cuba says NO to the dictatorship platform denounced on its networks, which urged international media to reflect the repression unleashed.

When 24 hours had not passed since the protests, independent media and Cuban civil society organizations denounced the forced disappearance of five of the protesters.

The independent journalist and resident of Caimanera, Yeris Curbelo Aguilera, pointed out that the five were detained with violence. One of them, Luis Miguel Alarcón Martínez, was taken to the detention center unconscious as a result of the beating he suffered.

The Relatives of the five young people denounced the brutal repression to which they were subjected and demanded their release.

"They have missing me, the eldest, Luis Miguel. They kicked me in the head. I don't know if my son is alive or dead. His brother went out to take care of him and they hit him everywhere. My daughter was hit to cookies," denounced Victoria Martínez Valdivia, mother of Luis Miguel Alarcón Martínez and Felipe Correa Martínez, arrested after the repression.

"They haven't told me anything, the only thing they tell me is that they have it in Operations. They are all beaten up. None of them did anything, they just demonstrated passively," he added.

Caridad Alarcón Martínez, sister of two of the detainees, also stressed that one of them has mental retardation.

"It had nothing to do with that, and when I got involved because they were giving him a sudden entry, they gave me a ticket too, I am the wife of a police officer. I am a mother of five children and I have not had support here from anyone. I I had a pulmonary thrombus, I'm sick, and they beat me up too," she said.

Likewise, Zoralia Matos Paján, mother of Yandris Pelier Matos, reported that her son went out to defend the man from Victoria, "because he was fighting and went to pick him up, and, at the moment he went to pick him up, the black berets fell on his face. with canes and they broke his head."

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