The beating carried out by officials of the Cuban regime against the activists who protested this Friday during the concert of Good faith held in Madrid, is beginning to have consequences for the group, which has seen its concert suspended this Sunday in Barcelona.
The complaint filed with the Spanish police and the public exposure of what happened to the Cuban doctors Lucio Enriquez Nodarse and Emilio Arteaga Pérez -who were attacked by Cuban officials attending the concert of the musician and defender of the Cuban regime, Israel Rojas- could have contributed to the cancellation of the event in Barcelona.
“My police report for the attack received last night at the @salagalileo in Madrid. Which I will send to each of the rooms where Israel Rojas and his group Buena Fe will perform. NOTE: The one on May 14 in Barcelona has already been suspended!" said Enríquez Nodarse on Twitter.
In his publication, the doctor shared a copy of the complaint filed with the Spanish National Police, which sent a patrol to the scene and took statements from those involved.
According to the court document, Enríquez Nodarse and Arteaga Pérez took advantage of a pause between songs to shout "freedom for political prisoners" and "down with the dictatorship."
“At that moment they begin to attack the complainant and his friend. at least three people punched in the face and pushed. As a result of this attack, the complainant loses his glasses and suffers a blunt left periorbital hematoma, and abrasion on his nose and forehead, as well as an internal wound on his lower lip," the police report reflected.
Likewise, the document includes the statements of the complainant, indicating that the aggressors took away their cell phones. For their part, the complainants described "one of the aggressors, this being a man of about 50 years old, 1.85 m tall, with a Cuban accent, white, with little hair and gray hair, wearing a white long-sleeved shirt."
Another of the alleged aggressors was also identified by Enríquez Nodarse. “This was a mulatto male, approximately 1.65 meters tall, with short black hair and prominent ears,” who attacked Dr. Arteaga Pérez, as stated in his statement.
This Sunday, Rojas came out to deny in the social networks of Good Faith that the cancellation of his concert in Barcelona had something to do with the events that occurred in the Galileo Galilei hall in Madrid, and he disassociated his group from “the violence” unleashed there.
A use On the Sidecar room's website it did not explain the reasons for the suspension.
“We do not travel with any safety equipment. Our songs are our protection. “We promote culture and repudiate violence,” said the musician, taking the opportunity to once again launch the official propaganda message against “repeated defamation, media aggression and demonization.”
According to Rojas, “it is false that the Barcelona concert has been canceled for political reasons, as some media outlets claim. “It has been postponed for organizational and logistical reasons, something totally normal on tours of this type.”
Furthermore, Rojas denounced “the persecution and harassment of promoters and owners of concert halls” and reaffirmed his convictions. “We are not going to do or say anything under pressure from anyone. And even less of those who incite violence, boycott Cuban artists and denigrate, disrespect or offend those who like our music.”
Rojas, recent “national avant-garde” of the Cuban Ministry of Culture and director of the Buena Fe group, he is a well-known supporter of the Cuban regime, a regular at concerts and political events of the ruling party.
Enríquez Nodarse is an anti-communist activist and opponent of the Cuban government. He has been the subject of attacks and accusations from members of the Cuban Communist Party and their sympathizers, including the influencer Ana Hurtado Martínez, who allegedly had publicly defamed him, and against whom the Cuban filed a civil lawsuit for committing alleged crimes against honor.
At the beginning of May, The Spanish justice system officially admitted his claim, which was celebrated by the doctor as a victory for his cause and a step forward in his fight for freedom and justice in Cuba.
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