Cubans residing inPinewood of the river They are dismayed by the poor appearance and quality of the bread that the state sells in its warehouses. Especially painful is the appearance of the one marketed in the Carlos Manuel distribution, according to two recent complaints on social networks.
"What they gave today is another lack of respect for the population. This bread todayIt's disgusting to touch it and what do we do? Who do we complain to? Who can give us an answer? The only bread they give us a day and look at the conditions", an outraged woman from Pinar del Río wrote on Facebook this Monday, accompanying her complaint with three photos that confirm the bad appearance of the product in question.
“This is the bread they give to the people of Pinar del Río, Cuba. Made in the Carlos Manuel bakery. "They are going to poison a child.", another resident of the province also reported on social media, along with the image of bread that looked dry and not at all appetizing.
In the comments section of both publications, dozens of Internet users argued thatThe poor quality of bread is an endemic problem throughout the country and has also been around for a long time.
In February, Pinar del Río journalist Claudia Padrón also complained about the appearance of the bread in Pinar del Río. "This is the bread that the state guarantees to a population that has nothing to eat," stated the communicator alongside the image of gray bread.
In recent months, the shortage of wheat flour and blackouts - which affect bread production - have become critical in many Cuban provinces.
The situation has led the government to sign work agreements with MSMEs that allow the production of some foods, making their value more expensive.
In April, theCuban Bread Chain in Pinar del Río announced the signing of agreements with MSMEs of that province that allow the production of bread by being responsible for the supply of raw materials to the State.
These are MSMEs that, in the case of bread, They are authorized to import wheat flour (always through a state company and paying in freely convertible currency).
According to what was announced, the Cuban Bread Chain will begin with the production of hard crust Creole bread of 200 g at 65 pesos per unit, and with soft crust dog bread of 100 g at 28 pesos. However,The news was received with skepticism by some citizens, concerned about high prices.
In the midst of a rampant food shortage that the Cuban government does not know how to solve, Cubans do not even have an offer of free bread that would guarantee balanced consumption of the important basic food.
At the end of April, a Cuban woman exploded on social media over the high price of bread sold by the State in Havana, which amounts to 70 pesos in the case of what is known as "pan de flauta" or "flautín."
Faced with the deficit, the authorities began to experiment with extenders,flours that are obtained from other products such as cassava or banana, but that in practice generate popular rejection.
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