Cuban denounces fraud in a store at the José Martí airport

They charged the woman more than 12 euros for three boxes of cigarettes when each one had a price of just over one euro.

Aeropuerto de La Habana © Facebook / Yanisel Leyva
Havana Airport Photo © Facebook / Yanisel Leyva

A Cuban woman reported the scam of which her mother was a victim in a store at the "José Martí" International Airport, in Havana, last Wednesday.

According to the Internet user Yanisel Leyva in the group ofFacebook "Cubans in Spain", his mother was charged an excessive price for three boxes of cigarettes in a store in freely convertible currency (MLC), outside terminal three of the airfield.

"Each box had a price of 1 something and they charged €12.22 for the 3 boxes that did not exceed the price of €4, my mother at that time did not realize with the stress of the trip and the girl who served her took advantage about it and didn't even tell her the amount, he simply charged her and scammed her," Leyva wrote in his post.

Capture of Facebook / Cubans in Spain

In his complaint he admitted that they realized the theft late and warned potential customers of that store about the scam method.

"To everyone who buys from MLC stores, be careful and be clear about the purchase and how much it costs, it seems that this is the new system of theft, I hope someone realizes it and gives her what she deserves for being a thief." ", he expressed.

Judging by the Cubans who shared their experience in the comments section, sellers often take advantage of the fact that payment must only be in euros, Canadian dollars or through cards to obtain money.

"Something similar happened to my mother with rum, they see that they are older people and therein lies the trap, she didn't realize that she had 50 euros and of the 32 euros that the three bottles of rum cost her, they gave her back 5 euros and something and When he was already on the plane and looked, he realized that he was missing more money," said one person.

Trade at the airport

"There is also a different exchange rate for the dollar and the euro when you pay at the airport. They do not respect that rate that is on their own signs. If something costs 10 dollars, the amount to pay must be less in euros. They scam at all levels and at all times," someone else replied.

It is not the first case of scamthat is reported in Havana air terminals, in the midst of the general crisis that the country is going through.

The Cuban activist Yoelkis Torres Tapanes denounced thatthey opened his suitcaseand removed several packages of milk and chocolate that he was taking to his grandfather, a 93-year-old man with a colostomy.

However, the Cuban authorities seek to distance themselves from thesystematic complaintsof passengers who claim to be victims of theft, arbitrary seizure of items, high prices, as well as the long lines and long waiting times, up to three hours, that many travelers must endure to bring their luggage into the country.

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