Young man assaulted in Holguín returns to the hospital due to blackouts

The blackouts in the town of San Germán generate difficulties for the proper care of adolescents

Joven cubano asaltado en Holguín en marzo © Collage Facebook/Dennis Domínguez
Young Cuban assaulted in Holguín in March Photo © Collage Facebook/Dennis Domínguez

The father of the 16-year-old teenager who was attacked with machetes in March during a robbery with violence in the province of Holguin, announced that a few hours after being away medical discharge at home, Lester was taken to the hospital again due to the difficulties they face with the blackouts in the town where they live, which make it difficult to properly care for the minor.

In a post on Facebook, Dennis Domínguez explained that although he had been discharged since Monday, this Tuesday around 4 pm (local time) they left the hospital in an ambulance.

"Today we have him in the hospital because there is no power in San Germán, they are turning off the power from 6 in the afternoon to 12 at night, and that makes his evolution difficult", he explained.

The minor's father added that in the hospital there are other disadvantages in care, such as the risk of complications and contagious diseases, but explained that there is no other remedy.

Facebook Capture/Dennis Dominguez

In a previous publication, on Monday, Domínguez gave the good news of the medical discharge, although he was already concerned about the issue of the blackouts.

Facebook Capture/Dennis Dominguez

In mid-May, Domínguez He had asked for help to treat a bedsore that the young man had developed. By that date, Lester was already spending hours without artificial ventilation, the fever had disappeared and the hemoglobin parameters were correct.

At the end of May, the minor's father reported that Lester had been transferred from intensive care to the intermediate therapy room of the pediatric hospital where he has been hospitalized since he was the victim of a machete robbery in the town of San Germán.

In that publication, Domínguez anticipated that they would try to exercise him to get him out of the hospital as quickly as possible, and hinted that the family intends for the young man to leave the country.

Since the tragic assault occurred, young Lester Domínguez has gone through a difficult and slow recovery process, marked by several relapses in his health.

The attacker of the 16-year-old teenager was arrested on March 27 and confessed to the violent robbery, according to a Facebook profile close to the Police. The aggressor was later identified by the victim's family as Adrián Grass Bermúdez.

Lester Domínguez Ortiz was attacked with machetes around midnight on March 21 to steal his cell phone, a Huawei. The event occurred in the town of San Germán, in the Urbano Noris municipality of Holguín.

Although in Cuba there is no public crime registry and the data is controlled by the authorities, in recent months social networks have become the space par excellence to report the increase in robberies and assaults.

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