Cuban migrant suffers theft of her phone in Mexico

The thief was arrested by the authorities of the border city Tapachula.

Ladrón que robó celular de una cubana © Facbeook/Raymundo Grajales
Thief who stole a Cuban woman's cell phone Photo © Facbeook/Raymundo Grajales

A Cuban migrant suffered the robo from his telephone cell phone in the Mexican border city of Tapachula and managed to get the authorities to arrest the thief, according to information released on networks.

Police municipal authorities of Tapachula, arrested and made available a subject for the crime of robbery against a woman of Cuban nationality, announced the Secretariat of Public Security and Municipal Citizen Protection (SSP and PCM),” he noted this Thursday in Facebook the user Raymundo Grajales.

The publication details that the Cuban, identified as Whitney María “N”, 26, went to the authorities after having been robbed shortly before of her Samsung brand mobile phone by a Mexican individual identified as Marco Antonio “N”, 25 years old.

Capture Facebook/ Raymundo Grajales

The police were able to arrest the thief on 14 North Avenue and 11 Poniente Street in Tapachula and transferred him to the Immigrant Prosecutor's Office, where he was placed at the disposal of the authorities who will determine his legal situation, the publication states.

This last Tuesday it was also known that in that city in southern Mexico it operates an alleged gang of Cuban thieves who are dedicated to robbing houses, after disseminating images of a subject captured by a surveillance camera entering a home, from which he took stereos and other valuables.

Information provided by the news site South Journal suggests that the gang of thieves of Cuban origin enters the homes and steals everything of value and that she has committed thefts in several businesses in the area from where money and items have been taken.

The crimes have been going on for at least a month, as the residents of neighborhood 16 explained to the local newspaper.

Also in that town, where hundreds of Cubans have been stranded waiting for a permit to transit through Mexico, another was detained after enter a mechanical workshop and steal a batch of tools.

The subject - 43 years old and identified in the Mexican press as "Giovanni N" - was discovered during the robbery by the owner of the premises Marco Antonio "N", whom he confronted violently, according to the owner of the workshop, who He quickly called the police.

The detainee was transferred to the Costa Border District Prosecutor's Office, where he was placed at disposal for the crime of aggravated robbery with violence and where his legal situation would be determined.

Additionally, in Cancun, Mexican police arrested citizens Cubans for having stolen, presumably, in several homes.

The Cubans were part of a group of foreigners also made up of Colombians and Venezuelans. The number of people involved in the criminal group and their identity is still unknown.

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