Cuban arrested for robbery in Mexico

The 43-year-old Cuban was accused of "aggravated robbery"

 © Redes sociales
Photo © Social networks

A Cuban was detained in the city of Tapachula, in the Mexican state ofChiapas, after entering a mechanical workshop and stealing a batch of tools.

The subject - 43 years old and identified in themexican press as “Giovanni N” – was discovered during the robbery by the owner of the premises Marco Antonio “N”, whom he confronted violently, according to the owner of the workshop, who quickly called the police.

When police officers assigned to the Ministry of Public Security and Municipal Citizen Protection (SSP and PCM) arrived at the scene,They detained the Cuban and placed him at the disposal of the corresponding authorities.

The detainee was transferred to the Costa Border District Prosecutor's Office, where he was detained for the crime of aggravated robbery with violence and where his legal situation will be determined.

Until nowIt is unknown how the man entered the workshop to steal the work tools.

At the time of writing, no other official details of the incident have been released, nor is the immigration status of the detained Cuban known.

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